Not In Terms (Chemistry Experiments)

Observe that two pieces of matter cannot occupy the same space at the same time.

Things Required:
Clear drinking glass
12 oz 6 marbles
Masking tape

Fill one-half of the glass with water. Use a piece of tape to mark the top of the water level. Very carefully, add the marbles to the water by tilting the glass and allowing one marble at a time to slide down the inside to the bottom.
Set the glass upright and notice the water level.

This Is What Happens:
The water level is higher with the marbles in the glass.

Science Behind It:
Both water and marbles are the examples of matter. Two pieces of matter cannot occupy the same space at the same time. When the marbles are dropped into the jar, the water is pushed out of the way by the marbles. The rise in the water level is equal to the volume of the marbles.

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