Future In The Field of Child Education
Since women have changed their attitude towards work, for them doors of infinite possibilities have opened up themselves. With the increase in number of working women and population, the graph of nursery school is also rising. It is a time when primary education is passing through new experiments and breaking all old traditions. It is a well known fact that nursery education has been established as a special science. The growing consciousness among the parents regarding their children’s growth gives only one information that all parent’s are in favour of providing better education to their children.
Those women who are interested in spreading education in society can improve their and children future in the world of knowledge. There was a time when Nursery training was considered to be a low income profession but today there are many schools in metropolitan cities which provide an attractive package in the form of salary.
There has been an increment in the number of changes in this field with implementation of ‘Pre-kindergarten’ programme and ‘Nutrition Distribution Scheme’ by Children Welfare Department. Todays time is a time of tough competition. Therefore parents are anxious to send their children to schools at a very tender age.
It has been decided at an International level that a child should be sent to school at the age of 3 or 4, but changes can be made by looking at the capacity and intelligence of a child. According to modern educational experts, children of 2 ½ age group should be given knowledge of different things by a medium of games related activities. Different “Pre-school” and “Creches” are performing this task.

Basically school begins with pre-nursery, where children are taught about general things in a playful manner. There was a time when it was considered that nursery school and nursery teacher are less educated and that’s why they have chosen this profession according to their capacity and eligibility. But today situation is just the opposite. Today highly educated, talented and young people are running Nursery Schools Management of Professional Nursery schools provides all facilities and enough salary to teacher.
The school from which famous actor Chanderchoor Singh and late Sri Rajiv Gandhi (Ex- Prime Minister) had received their education, is Doon School (Dehradun) From that same school Mr. Avinash Alag has also received education and has done remarkable work in the field of primary education. Mr Avinash Singh “Alag” is an ideal and example for those who feel low about this profession. He refused invitations of jobs coming straight from America and England but gave preference and importance to the establishment of Blossom School, a primary education institute. Today he is known for his exclusive, fundamental work style, intelligence and education techniques etc. According to Mr. Avinash Singh, Nursery school plays an important role in mental growth of a child. In these schools children were taught basic education while playing Alphabetical knowledge is given to the children with the help of very playful games. They learn to more small models with the day, painting and Small group songs are also taught in Nursery schools. This is not all, mental, physical, emotional and psychological growth of a child is also a responsibility of the Nursery teacher.
According to Mr. Avinash Singh, at this age what so ever interest, nature, habits and tendency are given to children later on sprout and become tree in their future lives. It is that stage where you can see a child’s reflection. Glimpse of the coming future is hidden in it. In other words, one can estimate that what and how a child would be in his future. i.e., therefore, education at this age means a lot.
According to Mr. Alag, Nursery Teachers should be patient and energetic. Those teachers who understands child psychology are more successful in Nursery training. Love for children and tendency of explaining things with great patience is one of the quality of Nursery teacher. Those young people are successful in the field of Nursery training who are efficient in communicating with children in a simple manner. Above all the listening capacity of a nursery training should be good because everyone gets bore with the noise made by the children. If teacher doesn’t listen to them in that situation children hesitates to establish a rapport with the teacher. Therefore, patient listening to children is the most important ability. To ask infinite questions is the basic nature of a child. So listening to them and resolving their inquisitiveness is very important in order to be successful in this field.

As women are gentle in nature, they can be more successful in the field of Nursery training. Accord-ing to Mr. Alag, it is very important to have the quality of teaching along with learning by heart.This is not all children should also taught how to control voice while speaking, use of correct words, right dressing sense, behaviour, etc. Therefore it is very important to keep all these things in mind. Along with young women, men can also be successful in this field. One can estimate the importance of Nursery training by this, incident. A journalist asked film star ‘Amir Khan’ what you would be if not an actor? He answered,. “A Nursery Teacher”.
Training Institutes are opened up in many cities for Nursery Teacher Training. Many of the private, government recognized institutes offers courses of Nursery Teacher Training. Many Women Polytechnics are also offering these courses. Nursery Teacher Training Institute located in Daryaganj is one of the Delhi’s famous institute. YMCA centres in other cities than Delhi, are also offering course in Nursery Teacher Training. Participating youth were given information regarding child psychology and about the use of modern techniques of education. Minimum qualification required for Nursery Teacher Training is 10+2 or graduate. Graduates were given preference while selection. It is important that one should have knowledge of Hindi and English languages for teaching because both of these language are contact language and without these teaching would not be effective as expected. Knowledge of painting, yoga, martial arts, skating, music, handicraft, swimming is considered as an additional qualification. Many universities are offering 2 years course in Nursery Teachers Training in which English, History, Nature Science, Psychology subject’s basic knowledge is must. Child growth, child psychology and counselling courses are also been taught. After training one can get job in schools as a teacher. Besides this people who are capable and intelligent enough can open their own Schools and Academy.
NCERT, Varun Marg Defence Colony, New Delhi invites application for admission to 1 year diploma (E.T.F.) earlier name (J.B.B.) to become primary teachers in its different educational and training institutes and to become primary teachers in its two recognised centres. After training in courses provided by Delhi Government one can get job as a Nursery teacher in different Government or Private schools. Schools run by MCD give preference to these candidates.
Addresses of Training Institutes and District Education are as Follows:

  • District Education & Training Institutes, Babal Phool Singh Marg, Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi, Ph: 25751361
  • District Education & Training Institute, Keshavpuram, Near Police Station, New Delhi, Ph:27183077
  • District Education & Training Institute, Nanakpura Moti Bagh, New Delhi, Ph: 26876440
  • District Education & Training Institute, Bholanath Nagar Shahdra, Delhi, Ph: 22422746
  • District Education & Training Institute, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi, Ph: 23275569
  • District Education & Training Institute, Ghumanhera, Najafgarh, New Delhi – 110073
  • District Education & Training Institute, Sector – 9, Rohini, New Delhi-110083, Ph:27877127

Recognized Institutes

  • Rama Krishna Training Institute M-Block, Vikaspuri, New Delhi, Ph:25550497
  • Vidya Teacher Training Institute, Vidya Bhawan, Connaught Place, New Delhi, Ph:23346644

Other Institutes

  • Agra University, Agra (U.P.)
  • A Mission and Examination Cell, S.C.F.R.T.A, Moti Bagh, New Delhi – 110021, Ph:24677849
  • M.S University of Baroda, (Gujarat)
  • Mumbai University, Mumbai
  • Madurai Kamraj University, Madurai
  • Osmania University, Hyderabad (A.P.)
  • Punjab University, Chandigarh
  • S.N.D.T. Women’s College, Mumbai
  • Shri Padmavati Mahila University, Tirupati, (A.P.)
  • Sofia Polytechnic, Bhulabhai Desai Road, Mumbai
  • Vishwa Bharati University, Shanti Niketan, (West Bengal)

Institutes for handicaps

  • Ali Yavar Jang National Institute for Hearing Handicap, Mumbai
  • Gujarat University, Ahemadabad (Gujarat)
  • Jamia Milia Islamia University, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi
  • National Institute for Visually Handicap, Dehradun (Uttranchal)
  • National Institute for Mentally Handicap, Sikandrabad (A.P.)
  • S.N.D.T. Women University, Mumbai Recognized Institutes
  • Bal Bharti Nursery Teacher Training, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi-110005
  • Delhi Nursery Teacher Training School, D-Block, Defence Colony, New Delhi – 110024
  • G.R. Memorial Nursery Teacher Training School, Niloth Road, New Delhi – 41
  • Geeta Rattan Institute of Advance Studies of Training, D-Block, Sector-7, Rohini, Delhi – 110085
  • Govt. Teacher Training for Women, 17 Motilal Nehru Marg, Allahabad (U.P.)
  • Govt. Teacher Training College, Shah Ganj, Agra (U.P.)
  • Lovely Nursery Teacher Training, Priyadarshini Vihar, New Delhi
  • Manav Bharti Teacher Training School, Panchsheel, Sadhna Enclave, New Delhi – 110017
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