An octopus is a sea animal with a round body, large eyes and eight
long arms called tentacles.

Octopuses are flexible creatures as they have no bones.
They can squeeze through a small hole.

Octopuses eat shrimp, clams, lobsters, fish, and sometimes small sharks too.

Octopuses like to live at the bottom of the sea. They can create their own homes.

An octopus protects itself by changing its skin colour to blend perfectly
with its surroundings.

Octopuses shoot dark black ink to escape from predators.

Octopuses have excellent eyesight and good sense of touch,
but they are deaf.

An octopus has nine brains and three hearts. The colour of
its blood is also blue.

Octopuses are intelligent animals. They can be trained and kept as pets.

Octopuses can easily swim backwards.