Once upon a time, an ogre caught a boy named oliver, who was wandering in the mountains. He tied Oliver with invisible chains and enslaved him. Oliver worked hard from dawn to dusk. He was lonely, so he wrote down songs. Years passed and oliver grew up to become a strong young man. One day, when the ogre was sound asleep, Oliver heard a girl singing the song he had written. One of the leaves on which he wrote must have blown away with the wind. Oliver followed the voice and saw a girl. He told her about the ogre. She said, “I am the enchantress’ maid. I learnt some tricks from her. I will use them on the ogre.” She opened a small bottle and threw some liquid on the sleeping ogre. Within minutes, he was turned to a stone.
Then, Oliver and the girl ran away. Later, they married and lived happily ever after.
Oliver and the Enchantress’ Maid