Rama was so grief-stricken after disowning Lakshmana and his departure, that he wished to hand over the kingdom to his brother Bharata. “I will arrange for your coronation, Bharata, and then go into the forest,” he told Bharata. But Bharata said, “O Brother! I do not want the crown or the kingdom without you. In fact, I don’t even want heaven without you! Give the crown to Shatrughna.” But Shatrughna did not wish for the throne either. The love of his brother was greater than all the kingdoms to him! The people of Ayodhya were not prepared to live there without their king. They too wished to follow him wherever he was going. Once again, Sri Rama consulted Vasishtha, who said, “You must ask your subjects what they desire and then fulfil it. You are still their king!” So when they said they wished to follow him, Sri Rama had to agree.
On the Banks of Sarayu