Remember to follow these safety rules when you are on the playground or in a park.
Take turns to play and give a chance to others.
Tell an adult if a swing is broken. Do not play on it until it is fixed.
Sit when you play on swings. Slow down before you get off from a swing. Do not go near someone who is swinging.
You could get hit if you walk too close to a swing.
Use both hands when you climb on a swing. Do not climb if it is wet. You could fall and get hurt.
Never climb up the front of a slide. Someone may slide down and hit you. Slide down with your feet first.
Only one person should slide down at a time.
Help to keep the playground clean.
Answer the following questions
1 Take turns to and give a chance to others.
(a) play (b) jump (c) read (d) write
2 Whom should we tell if a swing is broken?
(a) child (b) adult (c) neighbour (d) relative
3 While climbing on a swing use both
(a) eyes (b) ears (c) hands (d) shoes
4 Always help to keep the playground _
(a) clean (b) untidy (c) polluted (d) none
5 Give the opposite of ‘dry’.