One-Legged Cock


Mulla had bought a cock and a lamb as he loved pets. The cock was very healthy and beautiful. So, people often stopped to admire him. One day, a stranger was passing by Mulla’s house and remarked, “What a magnificent bird!” Mulla heard him and said, “Yes, he is useful, too. Once he pulled my lamb out of the pond when he was drowning.” “Incredible!” said the stranger. “Yes! He even woke me up when my house was on fire. I owe my life to him,” said Mulla. “Fantastic!” said the stranger. “He flew at a dacoit, once and stabbed his eye. Later, I learnt that he had stolen the Sultan’s horse. So, I received 100 gold coins as a reward,” said Mulla. Just then, the cock hopped around on one leg. “What happened to his other leg?” asked the stranger. “Well, how could I eat the whole of such a talented bird!” said Mulla, walking away from the stranger.

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