One-Way Mirror (Physics Experiments)

This may sound strange to you; you may have noticed that in some shops a mirror is placed behind that check-out counter? There’s no accounting for the manager’s sense of decor, unless of course she’s on the lookout for shoplifters.
Things Required:
Silver packaging wrap
Turn on the lights in the room you’re in. Stretch the reflectanive sheet of silver wrap so that it may be taut. Hold it at arm’s length and examine your reflection. Weird.

Now bring the material close to your face so that it may touch your nose. Can you see any objects in the room?
Call for a friend’s attention. While holding up the material, make faces. Have your friend tried to figure it out what you are doing. Although he or she won’t be able to see in yet you’ll be able to see out. Their image will be dim, but it will be visible!
This Is What Happens:
This wrapping material makes a great one-way mirror. This property is produced by a thin silvery coating. Like the one-way mirrored glass (used in stores), this material had a covering that wasn’t thick enough to block all light. It allowed some light through.
To increase the one-way experience, objects on one side of the glass are brightly lit while the objects on the other side have less illumination.

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