
Lester has a number of oranges that he has to put into a box. He finds that when he puts them 2 at a time, 1 remains; when he puts them 3 at a time, 2 remain; when he puts them 4 at a time, 3 remain; when he puts them 5 at a time, 4 remain; when he puts them 6 at a time, 5 remain. However when he puts them 7 at a time, none remain. Can you find the number of oranges he has?

Lester has 119 oranges.
There are probably a few ways to solve this, but one way is to first find the multiples of 7 that are not the multiples of 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6. This will narrow down your search, and then you can use trial and error method to find the answer.

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