Orders and their compliance

When you place an order for a product, you must remember various aspects of it, or else it can lead to confusion for you (the customer) as well as for the supplier.
The following are the important instructions in this regard :
Details of goods : If the product line is long, it is advisable to mention numbers given on the catalogue. But if there is no catalogue attached, one can clearly mention the specifications like size, colour, quantity etc.
Packing Instruction : Different types of products have to be packed differently for convenience of transport. Thus, special instructions are essential as far as packing is concerned.
Delivery instructions : Giving clear instruction regarding delivery is a must. Goods can be delivered through any mode of transport viz., road, rail or sea, whichever is the most convenient.
1. Letter for sending an order :
Dear Sirs,
I am dealing in books. Please send us the following books by Eagle Travels Ltd., and forward the documents through Mysore Bank, Mumbai.
Slimming Course 15 Nos. Rs. 150/-
Tailoring Course 10 Nos. Rs. 100/-
Knitting Course 12 Nos. Rs. 120/-
Crochet Course 10 Nos. Rs. 100/-
Thanking you
Yours sincerely
Ravindra Jain
2. Letter for placing an order (first method)
Dear Sirs,
Referring to your quotations dated 4th August, I have the pleasure of enclosing our order for No. 652 for 20 pieces each of the variety you have quoted in your letters. Less 40% discount delivered F. O. R. (free on rail); packing in cartons and gunny wrappings. When they are ready for despatch, please write to us and we will send you instructions. Trusting you will give this order your prompt and careful attention.
Truly yours
Ravi Sahu
3. Placing an order (second method):
Dear Sir,
Thank you for sending your new price list of 12 November 2004. Hereby we place an order for the items listed below:
125 Tables @ Rs. 750 per item
250 Folding Chairs @ Rs. 275 per item
350 Simple Chairs @ Rs. 170 per item
240 Stools @ Rs. 150 per item
Since all these items are urgently required, we will appreciate if you send them immediately.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Nanu Singh
4. Letter for placing an order (third method)
Dear Sir,
We thank you for your letter dated 17th December 2004, in response to our enquiry for the supply of 1500 dinner sets, and place the order for other goods. We enclosed list for that. Since crockery is a fragile item. Please see to it that the packing is done properly.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Chhedi Singh
5. Placing an order for advertised goods:
575, Om Colony
Rampur (U.P.)
Dear Sir,
I have come across your advertisement. Will you please send me a pair of shoes in black calf size 7½”. Style B, Price Rs. 1785/- as advertised in the ‘Femina’ on April 1st issue and charged it to my account. The moment you receive the advance payment of the item, please send it directly to the address given above.
Yours truly
Ravi Khanna
6. Letter for placing an order from the catalogue:
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your latest catalogue. I have market for goods required by me. Kindly courier the goods immediately. I would like to make it clear that my payments are very prompt. Since the goods are urgently required, please do not delay.
Thanking you
Yours truly
Murari Lal

7. Letter for acknowledgment of an order: Dear Sir, We thank you for your order No. 73/99, dated 17th August 2004 and have pleasure in informing you that we have sent the goods ordered by you, by today’s goods train. We await your further orders. We assure you of our best attention in their execution. Thanking you Yours sincerely Mohan Lal

8. Letter for intimation of goods despatched:
Dear Sirs,
Please note that your goods have been despatched today by flight No.IC-182 and relevant documents are enclosed herewith. Air freight has been paid here. The R/R has been forwarded through Punjab and Sindh Bank, Kanpur. It may be collected from its Head Office in Delhi. We are sure the goods will reach you intact. I sincerely hope that this order will be just the first of many, and that we may have many years of mutually beneficial business relations together. If we can be of any further service to you, do not hesitate to call on us. We appreciate your patronage.
With regards
Yours sincerely
S. A. Swamy

9. Letter for delay in execution of order:
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your order of December 12. We regret that our stock of the type of briefcase that you ordered, is sold out. We are extremely sorry to request you for an extension of time in the execution of your order No. 177/04. We are, however, taking urgent steps to execute your order, and shall be able to deliver the goods within a week. We hope you will realise that the delay is due to the circumstances beyond our control, and we shall appreciate you allowing us this additional time.
Thanking you
Yours truly
Baldev Chopra

10. Letter for offer of goods on approval:
Dear Sir,
As per the instructions in your letter dated 1st March 2004. We are shortly sending you 150 vibrating pillows by courier. As already agreed we have arranged to leave the same with you for a period of 45 days. If, by then you do not find a customer, you may return it to us, in good condition, at our expense.
Thanking you
Yours sincerely
Jaggu Lal

11. Letter of refusal to reduce the price:
Dear Sir,
As we have already agreed to a large discount, a further reduction in price is not possible. If you are still interested in our original offer, please write to us.
Thanking you
Yours sincerely
Ganeshi Lal

12. Letter about offering a substitute for supplier’s order:
Dear Sir,
This is to thank you for your order for 2000 disposable syringes. But we are sorry to say that the syringes ordered by you have been exhausted, after we quoted for them. It will take around two weeks before we can get them ready. If you want new longer lasting syringes, we can supply them to you immediately. We, therefore, hope that this substitution is acceptable to you, and that will bring us more business.
With regards,
Yours truly
Rajeev Rai

13. Letter for cancellation of an order:
Dear Sir,
This refer to my telephonic conversation with your Sales Executive, Mr. Raman Lamba, regarding purchase of 175 dozen toilet soaps. As we have got a much lower quotation from. “Pappu and Sons” for the same quality of boxes, we would like to cancel this order, i.e., if they have not been despatched by you so far. We shall send you our instructions for other supplies in due course.
Thanking you
Yours truly
Ranjan Berry

14. Letter of request for forwarding instructions :
Dear Sir,
Please note that the ten dozen Maps, ordered by you on April 7, are ready for despatch. We are awaiting your instructions to despatch the same. We hope the goods reach you in line and in perfect condition.
Thanking you
Yours truly
Sajid Kureshi

15. Letter informing a purchaser of the price rise :
Dear Sir,
We are pleased to have your order dated 2nd November. During the recent increase in duty, prices of all the goods have been revised with immediate effect and a revised price list is enclosed. Please send us your fresh order which will, as usual receive our careful attention and prompt execution.
Thanking you
Yours sincerely
Shobha Rani

16. Letter about acknowledging remittance :
Dear Sir,
Let me thank you for your remittance of Rs. 7349/-, which was enclosed with your order of November 4. This order has received our immediate attention and should reach you promptly. We are enclosing our latest catalogue in which we hope you will find a number of new items that will be of interest to you.
Yours truly
Suresh Kumar

17. Letter for reply to question of payment:
Dear Sir,
We regret the inconvenience caused to you by postal failure in receiving our cheque for Rs. 974/- Payment on the missing cheque No.574934, dated July 5, 2004, has been stopped; and we are enclosing a new Cheque No. 3344930, for the same amount.
Yours sincerely
Pawan Agarwal

18. Letter about unability to execute an order:
Dear Sir,
We are due receipt of your order dated 19th September for 260 H.M.T. watches gents style. But we are sorry to admit that the model suggested by you is out of stock. However, we could supply the same number of our ‘Kohinoor’ gents watches, if you find them suitable. Looking forward to you reply.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Ganga Ram

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