Ottilia was an old woman. She was very boastful. None in her village liked her. So, she decided to go and settle in another village. Old Ottilia limped when she walked. She travelled to the new village, hitching rides on carts and buses. This made her limp worse. When she reached the new village, she went to the square and proclaimed, “Although I am new to this village, yet I hope you all shall welcome me with open arms.” Soon, people began gathering around Old Ottilia. She said, “I can cure any disease in no time. Who wants to be healed?” Before anyone could go near her, a lady from the crowd shouted, “If you can cure all diseases, why haven’t you cured yourself? Why do you limp?” The crowd began to disperse. Ottilia realised her mistake. Then she went back to her own village and turned over a new leaf.
Ottilia Comes Home