Emotional Nature (Air Dominated)
Oval face has been the first choice of painter and artisan since long. This shape is most liked in view of beauty and arts. The persons having oval face are dominated by air element. They are emotional and gentle by nature. They have strong will to progress in their life. The person possessing oval face has charming features and attractive personality. Their body is balanced and having medium height. It seems that the God has created such persons with due care and in his leisure time. Their entire body is made well formed, well contoured. Oval faces are of two types which have been shown in figure 17.

1. Positive Oval Face : Positive oval face is extensive and broad upwards i.e. in the mental zone, but it is comparatively narrow towards basic zone and is formed with semi arc. They get assistance from others in the society. They know well to use every moment of life, but sometimes fell into laziness due to their fickle mind. They always need peace of mind and try to search pleasure in life at every moment. These persons are eager, volatile, well behaved and polite. They are able to get place in other’s heart by their behaviour and art. Such persons are lovers of beauty, sophisticated and shy. They are concerned in the field of fine arts, music, painting, acting, photography, touring and are nature lover. They experience utmost pleasure in the lap of nature and they like to live under the glory of it. They have artistic view towards their personal life, living standard, decoration and arrangement etc. and exhibit their love for art everywhere. They dislike hurting others by bitter words.
These persons are easily attracted towards opposite sex. They are impressed by others because of having keen interest in arts and beauty. They are often deceived by for love or deceive to others. They are careless about their purpose due to being fickle, temperamental and naughtiness. As a result they do not get desirable success. Though they are highly ambitious, but due to laziness their plans are confined only upto their minds. Such persons have mostly unstable mind due to probably dominance of air element. They have lack of firm determination and do not keep up their promise. They are fickle-minded.
If oval positive face is very long, the person have enhanced mental balance. The persons having long round face are ideal lover, having firm determination and are able to implement their plans. These persons achieve remarkable success in various fields of life and enjoy all materialistic pleasures. But more contracted oval face assumes the characteristics of round faced’s and it indicates reduction of mental power.
If oval face is too long, the person swindles money after attracting people to the web of his charm and abandons him later on. Such persons are well expert in the field of emotional blackmail and want to become rich by hook or crook. These persons have lack of morality and are slave of their desires, eroticism or aim. They do not want to follow the rules and limits of the society.
2. Negative Oval Face : The character, nature and physical constitution of the person having negative oval face is exactly opposite of the person having positive oval face. Negative oval face is extensive in basic zone and contracted in mental zone. Therefore, biological vices – lust, anger, violence, greed, over eating and lack of morality are dominant in their nature and they fail to control such vices due to decay of mental power. They are condemned after being disgraced in the society. The body becomes bulky due to being basic zone over developed.
Mixed Shapes
The shape of the face has been divided into four categories by geometry point of view – 1. Square, 2. Round, 3. Conical, and 4. oval. But in practical, all the faces are not identical to only these shapes. Many times faces are determined as mixed shapes.

In such situation, character, nature and behaviour are also of mixed kind.
Character, nature and behaviour of the persons possessing mixed shape face should be determined accordingly. For this, it is necessary to read carefully the geometrical configuration of the face and extension of its mental, practical and basic zones. Some mixed shapes are given in figure 18.