Stress is part and parcel of our life. Everyone experiences stress from time to time. Perhaps most stressful time for students is when an examination approaches. Students are often under great tension and stress from teachers, parents and even themselves. To do well.
Stress at the same time of examination is often the result of lack of self confidence. Those who are not well prepared for exams suffer anxiety and fear that they might fail. These are probably students who do not keep up with their studies or leave revision to the last minute.
There are many ways to minimize the examination stress at the time of examination. The starting point is to be attentive in class as this is most effective way of learning and understanding. Students should also be consistent in doing their homework and work steadily throughout the year and not wait for the examinations.
Students should pay more attention to subjects in which they are weak. Parents could coach them and monitor their progress in such subjects. If necessary, they could arrange for their children to have other help.
Many students make the mistake of putting of revision till the last minute. Revision should be done regularly, so that work does not pile up unyil it is too much to handle at the time of examination. Consistent revision helps build confidence. Confident students tend to do well in examinations.
Part and parcel—essential part
Self-confidence—having trust in yourself