In the middle of the forest, a group of dinosaurs was huddled together. On approaching the group it was visible that they were surrounding a fellow dinosaur, Mike, the fastest runner in the forest. While everyone was warming up for the race that was to begin soon, Mike lazed around. A dino asked, “Why aren’t you preparing?” Mike laughed and said, “I don’t need to; I’m going to win anyway.” Soon, the race began; Mike, being the fastest, was ahead of every other participating dinosaur; but soon, he started to run out of breath and slowed down. Other dinosaurs overtook Mike and ultimately he lost. Unable to understand how he lost, he sat under the shade of a tree when the winner came up to him and said, “You let overconfidence overpower your confidence and talent. Never stop working hard lest a winner should turn into a loser.”
Overconfidence is Harmful