Painting the Flowers

Violet, Purple and Mauve rode on their unicorns, each morning to paint the flowers in vibrant colours. They were the flower fairies of the magical land who loved their work. However, one day, they were sad. Violet said, “No one stops and admires the flowers anymore.” Mauve added, “We put colour, shine, glitter and sparkle in all the flowers.” Purple said, “And our work is taken for granted.” The three fairies decided not to work the next morning. When the world woke up the next day, everything looked different and strange. There was confusion among the butterflies and the bees. There were no colours and shine in the flowers that day. Then, the Fairy Queen called the three fairies and said, “The world is incomplete without the colourful and shiny flowers. It would look dull and lifeless. We appreciate your work. Please colour the flowers again.” The three fairies were happy and painted the flowers with colours again.

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