A Career In The Path Of Country’s Defense
Young people who are searching possibilities of a career in different defense services, can get job in the field of Paramilitary Force. It is not only important for country’s defense but also an honourable field from the point of career. Total responsibility of internal safety of a country is the duty of Paramilitary Force. With the increase of terrorist activities in the country, there responsibilities are also been increased.
Working in a Paramilitary Force is not less than working in Army. This career is open to those young men-women who have done matriculation and intermediate. Therefore, for unlimited unemployed people, Paramilitary Force is a good option as a career. Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Border Security Force (BSF), Indo Tibet Border Police (ITBP), Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), state police, home guards, Railway Defense Force, Fire Brigade are included in Paramilitary Force.
Border Security Force (B.S.F): Border Security Force,which plays an important role in defence was founded in 1965. B.S.F works as a right hand to the Army. Whenever Nation’s defense has faced clouds of danger, brave officers of B.S.F have shown their valour and courage. Soldiers were given training on rocks, deserts and ocean climates so that at the time of need they can bravely face the different situations. At the time of peace BSF soldiers collect secret information’s at border.The work of BSF is divided into 3 branches:
(1) General Duty (G.D.) Branch
(2) Technical Branch
(3) Medical Branch
The G.D. branch is supposed to control the staff. The Technical branch takes care of branch equipment and look into the implementation of tele-communication system, whereas the work of the Medical branch is to provide medical facilities to the soldiers at the time of need. Out of all these branches, technical branch is the most important and right from civil engineer to electronic engineer to electrical engineer works in this branch. Communication arrangement is given to “Signal Core” who has to take care of it.
Board of BSF appoints constable’s and sub-inspectors. Young men-women between 20-25 yrs. age group can apply for sub-inspector and those who are between 18-20 age group can apply for the post of constable. Central Police Department and Special Selection Board selects Associate Commandant also. For this candidates between 19-23 yrs. age group are eligible for sending their applications. Preference is given to ‘B’ and ‘C’ certificate holders of N.C.C, while selection. Selected candidates were then given training in BSF’s, Training Academy located in Takenpur (Gwalior). After 20 years of working, Associate Commandants reach at the position of D.I.G and I.G.
Central Reserve Police Force (C.R.P.F.) : Central Reserve Police Force (C.R.P.F) group, which gives helps in internal security and in emergency situations are given training of handling modern telecommunication instruments apart from the physical training. In CRPF, highest designation is of D.G. under which I.G. DIG, Commandant, and Company Commandant are the subordinates. Second group is of Inspectors and Constables. They have to complete their work in the shortest possible time in any part of the country. Central Police Organisation selects capable people for CRPF. Vacancies are filled after advertisements and training process. Graduate candidates between 19-25 yrs. of age group are eligible for applying for gazetted positions. These candidates were initially appointed as Assistant Commander, Company Commander, Quarter Masters or Deputy Superintendant. Here also there is a system of giving concession to ‘B’ and ‘C’ certificate holders in NCC. For admission one has to clear the process of written exam, interview and physical training. Selected candidates are given training in “Neemch”, whereas constables are given training is Srinagar, Tiruvantapuram, Abari and Neemch.
For more information contact :
l CRPF, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 3
Central Industrial Security Force (C.I.S.F) :
Central Industrial Security Force (C.I.S.F) was established for the defense of Industrial firms of India. In those units where minimum 250 workers are working, it is necessary to keep a security force. This Force provides security to the Public industries, as well. The highest officer of this force is of DIG rank. DIG, Assistant Commandants, Inspectors, Sub-Inspectors and Security Guards are appointed for CISF.
Graduate candidates are appointed as Sub-Inspector and Associate Commandant. Degree-Diploma holders were given preference in professional course, Patna University offers course in Industrial Security Management. Admission is granted to graduates in physics, maths, chemistry and engineering, Candidates who have done this course can get direct admission in Central Industrial Security Force. Candidates selected for CISF were Central training in Hyderabad.
For more information contact:
DIG, CISF, North Division, CISF Campus, Saket,
Post Office, New Delhi-110017
Indo Tibet Border Police (I.T.B.P) : Indo Tibet Border Police works to stop entrance of thieves and smugglers at Indio-China Border. Workers in this force are specially trained in “Officer Mountaineering” Academy of ITBP which is in Chandigarh and Mussorie. There are also institutes of mountaineering and skiing, where soldiers and officers were given training. After one year they are sent to field for training and only after 5-6 years of professional & practical experience the check post is handed over to them. Designation after Deputy Commandant is of Commandant in ITBP. This is not all, DIG and IG are also in ITBP. Direct appointments are made at positions of Constables, Company Commanders and Sub-Inspectors. After 16 years of impressive service, a constable can reach at the position of Company Commander.
For additional information contact:
Director General Indo—Tibet Border Security Force, Block-2, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110003
Note: Physical eligibilities for appointments in above mentioned paramilitary forces are as follows:
For men : Height – 165 cm, Chest – 86 c.m, Weight – 50 kg
For Women : Height – 157 cm, Weight – 46 kg.