‘Parijataka’ Tree

During Samudra Manthan or churning of the ocean, the gods had obtained Parijataka, the celestial tree with divine fragrance. This tree was planted in the garden of Indra, the King of gods. One day, Sage Narada went to this garden and collected some Parijataka flowers that had fallen from the celestial tree. He gave them to Rukmini, complimenting her beauty. Rukmini was very happy but when Satyabhama smelled its fragrance, she was very jealous! She threw a tantrum and asked Krishna to bring her the Parijataka tree. Lord Krishna went to Heaven for the celestial tree. When Lord Indra protested, He battled with him. After defeating Indra, Lord Krishna brought the Parijataka tree on Earth. However, now Rukmini and Satyabhama began to quarrel, as both of them wanted the tree. Clever Krishna planted the tree in Satyabhama’s courtyard in such a way that its flowers fell in Rukmini’s house and in this way both his wives were happy.

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