Parker loved to paint and draw. Painting was his sole passion. He would be found painting day and night. He would keep experimenting with different paint brushes. But he had no patience. If a paint brush didn’t work, he threw it away. One day, he found an old paintbrush in the school art room. Thinking he would have fun with it, he dipped it in water. To his amazement, the water turned yellow. He thought it was a lovely brush. He wondered if it could change colours, so he tried dipping it again. But the colour remained yellow. Parker tossed the paintbrush aside. ‘What is the use of a paintbrush that has only one colour?’ he thought. Just then, the teacher announced that they would be drawing and colouring bananas that day. Parker now realised how useful the paintbrush was. He should not have been so hasty to throw it away.
Parker and Yellow Paintbrush