Part 1. Tipu Sultan

Hyder Ali was the king of Mysore state. He was very popular among his subjects. He was severe for those who were traitors, mischiefmongers offenders. For traitors and opponents of India he was like Death God. This was the reason the Hindus and Muslims took risk of their lives for welfare of his state. People use to pray for his long life.
The rulers of the neighbouring state had good relations with him.
But the equations of Indian politics were changing so fast. Roots of East India Company were pervading fast. British had established their dignity over some small and big states. Bengal, Bihar, Avadh and Punjab were burning in flames.
In these circumstances Hyder Ali was sitting in anger and worried.
The elder prince Tipu was sitting on his left while younger prince Karim Shah was on his right. There was silence in the royal court…deep silence. Prime Minister was sitting on one side in perplexity.
Hyder Ali looked towards minister and asked, “Is this news true Prime Minister?”
“Hundred percent Your Highness. British armies are proceeding like tempest towards south. After receiving message of help from Hyderabad their courage is doubled. If the situation remains same the day is not far when many states of south shall go under slavery of the British.”
“Alas! Nizam didn’t do well. He has endangered the freedom of whole south by throwing a bone to those crazy dogs.”
“It is treachery with the country.” Prime Minister said in stimulated tone.
Hyder Ali further asked, “What is the situation of Maharashtra?”
“There too condition is not satisfactory. Reclination of queen Krishna Bai is towards the British. If there is no change in circumstances then we would listen that she has made a truce with British.”
“Is it possible when person like Nana Pharnavis is adhered to the seat of Prime Minister?” asked Hyder Ali astonishingly.
“Nana Sahib assumes the British as dogmatic foes but alone what would he do?” Prime Minister said, “Queen’s General Haripanth desires the friendship with British, and he is closer to queen than Prime Minister.”
“Whatever may be but Nana Sahib will never tolerate it. He is a Maratha. He is a Hindu and treat Muslims as his brothers. He wishes that Hindus and Muslims get sit together. There must be unity in the country.”
“But there is danger from Haripanth and Nizam.’’
Tipu Sultan listening very attentively. But younger prince Karim Shah had signs of disgust on his face. Infact Karim Shah was a different kind of person. He was a day dreamer. He wanted that state of Mysore and his father should befriend Nizam and the British. Actually since childhood his activities were disliked by Hyder Ali.

Whatever Nizam accomplished his aims in a fraudulent manner after having friendship with British he himself had entrapped in the same. Karim Shah was already an oppressive, irresponsible and selfish along that he had received some indications from Nizam. British gave him high hopes for the accomplishment of his aims, so he became arrogant. Now he took his father and brother an obstacle in his plan.
Alongwith Nizam, General Demonson had moved to capture Mysore. He knew it well that Hyder Ali will never align with the British reign, so firstly he must be made feeble and for that he aimed at Hyder Ali’s family. They selected younger prince Karim Shah, who was quite selfish and irresponsible one.
This responsibility was entrusted by Nizam to his commander Tubharjang. He was ordered to enter the royal palace somehow and earn confidence of Karim Shah. He was directed what else he is to do.
Tubharjang left for Mysore from Hyderabad. Seeing grandeur of Mysore he lost his senses. He was a high class adroit. Promptly he became Karim Shah’s confident.

Karim Shah’s Palace—
Tubharjang and Karim Shah were sitting in a chamber. Tubharjang said, “According to Nizam Hyderabad if there is any prudent, comprehensible well wisher of the subjects of Mysore, he is none except than you younger prince. Hence Nizam sent me for your help.”
“What does he expect of me?” Karim Shah asked.
“He want peace in Hyderabad, Mysore and in entire India.”
‘‘But what relation of mine with peace? I mean what can I do in this matter?’’
“You can do a lot prince.”
“But what? What can I do, make it clear.”
“First of all just think from whom is the danger to peace?”
“I don’t know.”
“British only.”

“Prince! Past experiences and history are the evident that whoever King, Nawab or Sultan denied the British supremacy, they ruined their pleasure. Keeping in view our Nizam befriended the British. Now Nizam is eager that neighbouring states must rest in peace. But he is afraid of that in a shortwhile Mysore will lose its peace.
“What is that cause?”
“Pardon younger prince. Due to your father this situation may come.”
“Tubharjang what do you babble?” he growled gently. But there was no effect on Tubharjang.
He continued, “And due to you brother Tipu. Nizam is sure that your father and brother will never be friendly with British. And to defy them will be a tyranny. Hence our Nizam has sent you a message that you persuade your father and brother to have friendship with British Resident. Truth is that, hearing your intentions Resident impressed very much and he had decided to enthrone you as the next king of Mysore.”
“What?” Karim Shah’s said astonishingly.
He imagined that he is sitting on the throne of Mysore. Insects of selfishness started creeping in his brain.

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