At sunrise the war started again. Till noon it continued on its full. There were heaps of dead bodies. Half of the army of Mysore was finished. Deewan got discouraged. He didn’t find Tipu anywhere. He was alone. He required assistance but no one was there. Still Deewan had hope of Nana Pharnavis. It was third duration of the day. War was on with full swing.
Kamruddin too was in British trap, there was no way to be free. He realised that his life is in danger.
However sun sets. Armies of both the sides started retreating. Swords took way to sheaths. In today’s fight thousands of warriors sacrificed their lives. Many were wounded. Only one fourth Mysore army were left to fight.
Demonson was shaking hands with Nizam. Both were happy at their success.
On the otherside in the royal palace Deewan and Kamruddin were standing with Tipu. Tipu was too serious. After some talks Tipu asked them to take rest and himself went to his personal chamber.
Tipu was sitting worried in his chamber. Suddenly wiping sweat of his forehead Deewan too came there. Astonishingly Tipu asked, “Now what happen?”
“Your Highness. To conquer British military is not less than a Herculean Task.”
“No doubt Mr. Deewan” Tipu sighed in grief.
“Now what are you asking for Your Highness?”
‘‘What to say Deewan Ji?’’
“If there is only British army we would face it bravely. But Nizam army has made situation worse.’’ Deewan said.
‘‘I am too thinking on the same line. If I befriend Nizam it would not have happened, let us see. Our own brother have become our foe. Just see the British brain, how much devilish is that.”
“It is their very principle—‘divide and rule’.” Deewan asked, “Let me know what to do tomorrow?”
“Encourage your soldiers. Ask them if they defeat British in tomorrow’s war their salary will be increased, it will be doubled.”
‘‘Our soldiers are naturally brave and need not to template. Problem is that we are less in number. Inspite of that when they fire with machine guns our soldier get demoralised.”
“Then what should be done?”
“I am ready to do or die for your good Your Highness. I am not worried about myself.”
“God will help us Deewan Ji. Go, and encourage the soldiers. Get them ready for tomorrow’s fight. Till I breathe I will not hand over Mysore to British. I will not allow Nizam to get success.”
Deewan eyes filled with tears. He embraced Tipu and said in inducing voice, “You will win Tipu, you will get success. You fight the battle honestly. God is with you.’’ saying so Deewan went off.
Tipu fell in deep thoughts. He carried on thinking. His intelligence was upset, his wit was too absent. When he became extremely serious he put his hands on his back and started walking in slow paces.
Tipu’s brain stopped thinking. He recollected words of Hyder Ali. ‘My dear son, never hand over your Mysore to anyone. Sacrifice yourself for your country. Never accept slavery of British.’
Queen Runia’s wordings also resounded in his ears—‘My beloved! My lord! Soldier’s life is in battle field?’
He recollected blessings of old Deewan, ‘My child you will win, your name will delight India.’
Circulation of blood in Tipu’s arteries increased. Pulsation of heart went fast. His passion overflowed. He said to himself decidedly—‘Come on Tipu, be ready for war. Be brave. Courage is stronger then power. Who loses heart can do nothing.’
It was night time when Tipu reached in his court. His soldiers got some relief seeing their king. They cried in one voice, “Your Highness we shall sacrifice ourselves for native land. We have tied coffin over our heads. You just bless us.”
Tipu just smiled.
In the morning battle started again. Mysore soldiers were fighting with their full calibre. They were intended massacered the British. They are shouting—
“Long live Mysore.”
Seeing the valour of Tipu’s force Nizam soldiers got frightened. They started surrendering themselves.
Tubharjang was defying them. At that moment Tipu saw Karim Shah. He was on a horse with sword in his hand. He was slaying his own bretherns.
Tipu said angrily—“Come on Karim, I was waiting for you.”
“Karim Shah is not a timed Tipu.’’ Seeing Tipu he raised his sword.
“Worthless, I thought uptill now you did give up your wickedness.”
“Meaningless talks doesn’t serve any purpose my sword is thirsty of your blood, Tipu.”
“You have become demon Karim. In the company of viles you have become a vile.”
“You are gentle, I punish you for your gentleness.”
“Who will you punish, see your face in mirror first. Deceptives do not possess that courage that can face a true person… a patriot.”
Karim Shah dazzled and assaulted Tipu by sword. Tipu escaped the assault and said, “Karim, see the father’s tomb there. Who put him there on unawakened sleep? Who shot at him? You are his descendant and you don’t feel shame. Did father gave you birth to see you like this? You unfortunate.”
Listening it Karim Shah’s passion became cool. He recollected Hyder Ali’s face. He imagined as if Hyder Ali is saying in anger—‘Get out from my sight Karim, I don’t want to see your face. Go and let me rest in the grave at least.’
“Father! Forgive me.” Suddenly Karim hissed and his sword fell on the ground from his hand. He jumped of the horse and caught both the feet of his elder brother. He kissed his feet and wept.
Tipu said, “Open your eyes Karim and see the cruelty of white devils. We, Hindu and Muslims are burning in the fire caused by them.”
Karim wiped his tears, opened his eyes. He kissed his brother’s feet, once again and said, ‘‘Please forgive my sins brother. It will be an obligation at me.”
“I have excused you. Now stop weeping.” Saying so Tipu wiped Karim’s tears. ‘‘Face the enemy. Battle is on.’’
“As you wish my Sultan.”
Karim rode the horse and started a deadly fight. Demonson saw Karim against him, he started cursing him. Karim replied him strongly. He made several assault but Demonson escaped all.
Tubharjang said—“Is it your friendship Karim? You have deceived us, you deceptive.”
“I am deceptive? I deceived you but I am not crafty and immoral as you who uproot others house, divide there house. Those who sows the seed of discard God never forgive him. They do not find any room is hell even.”
“Deceptives are Vampires Karim. They cannot see day light.”
“Let me be Vampire but you are Jackal, Jackal! A Deceptive dog!”
“Stop! I will punish you for your decitness.” Saying so he threw a dagger towards him.
But smartly not only he escaped by turning his horse, he assaulted at him by his dagger. Dagger thrown by Karim Shah wounded his horse.
Tubharjang was on the ground. In such a situation Karim Shah got a chance and he did not miss it. He beheaded Tubharjang. Seeing Tubharjang dead there was commotion in Nizam’s army. Nizam shivered in anger. In passion he attacked Karim.
Both started fighting.
Both were thirsty of each other’s blood. For about three hours Nizam’s and Karim’s swords jingled. It was evening time and the battle suspended. But none of both could satisfy himself.
As the day broke, war started again.
White army rarely fought honestly. When they see that swords are misfit they start firing. General Demon- son was on a horse back. He was crying and saying, “Proceed. At all cost we shall conquer Mysore today.”
Nizam said, “Brave Soldiers, Tipu is our enemy, behead him. Win the battle of Mysore, my soldiers. You will be immensely rich after reaching Hyderabad. You have to win this battle today. Behead Karim Shah too.’’
The army of Nizam started battle extravagantly. Mysore soldiers lost their courage. They got puzzled.
Kamruddin had made up his mind whatever may happen he will not let Tipu, his king be defeated. Whosoever he faced, he just simply slayed him. He says, “God is great, be kind.”
His sword was taking blood-bath. He was fighting delightedly. When Demonson saw that Mysore infantry is not retreating he stopped swords fight and started firing. Soldiers were falling on the ground. In all direction stempede started. It was evening time. Deewan too tired much.
At night when Mysore army reached inside the fort Tipu felt extremely sad because magnitude of his soldiers had reduced a lot.
Tipu reached in his palace. He sat aside. Queen Runia has heard all the happenings of battle. She had imagined that in near future Mysore will be in the hands of British.
Queen solaced Tipu. After a short while Kamruddin and Deewan also reached there.
“Mr Deewan today’s fight have proved that we never win the war with British. Our army has reduced to counting. Tomorrow we shall be defeated. What is your idea? What is to be done?” Tipu asked.
Deewan looked upward and saw the oil painting of Hyder Ali. With tearful eyes he said, “There is no doubt in it, but General Demonson and Nizam felt it bad that prince Karim Shah has returned to our fold. So they have giggled and bombard our army.”
Kamruddin sighed deeply and said, “Nana Pharnavis didn’t reach for our help yet. For tomorrow God only knows?”
“We will win the war tomorrow Kamruddin.” Karim Shah said standing at the door and sat along with them.
“How will you win?” Your army is so small.”
“God will get you victory but…”
“But what…?”
“I think it better if we will have truce with Britons.” Tipu attracted their attention towards him.
Karim Shah said startling, “Brother, what are you saying?”
“Yes brother there is not alternative.”
“We shall not treaty with the British.”
“Compulsion is there Karim.”
“What compulsion?”
Deewan told him the entire situation. Kamruddin too explained his compulsion. Afterward it was finalised that a messenger should be sent to General Demonson with a message of treaty. Queen Runia was silent. Karim was sad.
Deewan called a faithful messengers and sent him to sea Demonson.
Queen Runia’s started sobbing.
Deewan consoled her, “You are queen of Mysore my daughter. You must have patience, wipe your tears.”
Karim Shah was in grief. He never thought even in dream that he will have to treaty with British.
But Tipu was calm and quiet.
There was light of a chandelier in that chamber. Seldom Kamruddin and Deewan talking to each other. They were well wishers of the state. But they feel as if they were robbed.
Kamruddin now and then goes out. He asks sentry for any fresh news? He was eagerly waiting for Nana Pharnavis.
Before sunrise messenger returned with conditions of treaty. All were present in the royal court. He obtained permission from Tipu and said, “Your Highness! General Demonson has stated that I admit this treaty but some conditions are there which king of Mysore will have to accept.”
“What conditions?”
“Demonson said that he requires compensation?”
“For what?”
“Company Govt.’s loss in battle.”
“How much does he want?”
“His demand three crores.”
“That much is not in treasury even. What was your reply?”
“I explained him that such a huge amount is beyond our king’s limit, but he did not agree. He said, if king is unable to pay 3 crores then…”
“Then? What?” Hesitatingly Tipu asked.
“Then as a guarantee both of your sons put to his charge.”
“Yes Your Highness! That white British had said the king should mortgage his sons. They will remain with me as bond. Tipu Sultan may pay in instalments. When debt will be paid off then both the princes will be freed,” saying so messanger kept silence.
Tipu was thinking deeply. Then all of a sudden he raised his head sighed deeply and said, “I accept this condition of Demonson.”
‘‘Your Highness…’’ Queen Runia squeaked.
Tipu gave no importance to her and turned towards messenger, “Go and ask him to get ready the papers of treaty. Papers will be signed by him and me. I myself will go to him with both the princes.”
“As you wish sir?”
After his departure Queen Runia said shedding tears—“My both sons will be mortgaged with enemy. I am losing my courage Your Highness. Why did you accept this condition?”
“Queen, I did not accepted it for my welfare.”
“Then for whom?”
‘‘I have taken this decision for the welfare of my state. In exchange of surety both princes will be given to Demonson. It is for the welfare of Mysore.”
‘‘But I don’t accept this condition. I would not hand over my sons.”
“Don’t be silly dear. As a king and queen the whole subjects of Mysore is our progeny. Do you wish that for the sake of our two sons we should blamed for hundreds of children killing.”
“I shall set fire such truce. Before you take both princes with you I will strangle them.”
“Have you gone mad?”
“Yes I have…?”
“Queen, scarify for country. Let princes go.”
Queen Runia hid her face and burst of into tears. Weeping she said, “I have made my heart of stone. Carry them, I hand over my heart to you. Scarify them for motherland.”
Deewan, Kamruddin and others seemed as if they were paralysed. Queen stood up weeping, brought both princes, embraced them and burst into tears.
Tipu took both the children in his lap. His eyes too were wet.
Queen Runia fell down and became unconscious.
Kamruddin and Deewan could not sit any more. They too followed Tipu.
Royal palace was in desolation.
Tipu reached the camp of Demonson with both his sons. Deewan and Kamruddin were with him. Truce papers had been prepared. Both signed it. One copy was handed over to Tipu and other Demonson kept with him.
After giving some special instructions regarding his sons Tipu returned back.