Part 13. Tipu Sultan

Queen Runia came to her senses. He sat and started persuading Kamruddin and Deewan who were sitting there. All of a sudden big thundering sound alerted them.
“Hey, what am I listening Deewanji.” Tipu said astonishingly.
Kamruddin rushed out and returned within moments. He said, “Your Highness cannons are in action. Perhaps British attacked again.”
One soldier reached running. He too was perplexed. He said, “Disaster, Your Highness. After truce the British started the war. Guns have been fitted. The are shelling over city.”
Tipu came out of palace. His trusted commanders were with him.
They came to know that British have surrounded the fort from all sides and their guns are firing. Their soldiers are alert to reply any assault.
Tipu said—“Deewanji, it is deceit, breach of promise.”
“British are of such nature king, they deceive all, black hearted they are. We should not have faith in them.”
“Truce became meaningless. Both boys also went in enemy hands. I was not aware of this. But what is to do Deewanji.”
“Your Highness, there is no alternative left. We shall have to fight.” Deewan said, “It will have to be done certainly.”
Till late Tipu discussed with all courtiers and then came out of the palace. He started organising the army.
By this improbable Kamruddin was more dreaded then others. He was worrying why Nana Pharnavis could not reach till now. He told his anxiety to Deewan and said, “There is no time to wait for anyone, jump in the battle field.”
Tipu’s army entered the battle field like a tempest and started fighting a do or die battle. Hindu soldiers were chanting ‘Har Har Mahadev’ while Muslims were proclaiming ‘Allaho Akbar! Motherland long live.’
On the other side British soldiers were firing indiscriminately. Their guns were showering shells.
British General Demonson was crying loudly, ‘‘Mysore must be clutched by today. Proceed, plunder royal palace. Set it on fire. Behead Tipu.”
Riding on a horse Tipu also rambling. He said to his soldiers, “Not a single British should go back. They are deceptives.”
Encouraging the soldiers Kamruddin was crying, ‘‘Show your perfection, Honour of country is in your hands. Save dignity of Mysore at the cost of your life.”
Every soldiers was in passion. Deadly war was on. There were heaps of dead bodies. Hundreds were killed, Thousands wounded.

Standing perplexed queen Runia on the roof of royal palace was looking towards war field. Sight was clear from the roof. She wiped her tears and said to her maid servant “My husband may win the war. I have already lost my sons. I don’t want to lose my husband.”
“Queen have patience. King will undoubtedly win the war. Believe in God, he will save us.”
Maid servants were advising queen Runia, but she was a woman, a wife, a mother. So she was impatient.
Otherside, deadly war was fought. It was clearly visible armies of Nizam and British were heavy on Mysore. One army was in possession of swords while machine guns with the other.
It seemed by evening that Mysore will slip away from Tipu’s hands. The fort where Mysore flag hoists there will be British flag. Mysore will be slave. Its other main reason was that Nizam army was in for British assistance. In addition a brigade of British army also reached from Calcutta. By which white army had became more courageous and they started at fighting with more passion.
This side, Kamruddin also had the news that Nana Pharnavis is hurriedly reaching with his army in the battle field. So, he had courage, he started fighting as a storm. Old Deewan too fighting as youths. God knows from where he got that strength. He was thirsty of foe’s blood.
Demonson was roaming here and there riding on his horse. He was encouraging his soldiers, asking them that Mysore should not slip from hands this time. Fort must be in British possession by today.
Then seeing Tipu he cried loudly, “This is Tipu Sultan. Capture him! Arrest him alive.”
Tipu Sultan also heard his cry. He became red-hot. British soldiers surrounded him from all sides. But within no time he beheaded them all. Then he defied General Demonson, “White dog, now face me.”
Seeing his soldiers slaughtered General Demonson became red-hot and pounced upon Tipu, “You can’t escape from me. And Demonson attacked Tipu with his sword.
Tipu escaped and grounded his teeth with rage and said, “Deceptive, vile British! You mean, wicked. I am going to throw you in hell.” Tipu threw a lance over him.
But Demonson was also a clever fighter. He escaped and laughingly said, “Tipu no such sword or dagger had been prepared so far which may even touch Demonson.”
‘‘British dog. If you have courage then come near to me, why standing too far?”
Demonson changed his movement. Again he assault at Tipu with sword and said to his soldiers—“What are you looking for. Finish him. His death means our victory.”
Then several white soldiers pounced upon Tipu. But Tipu didn’t bother. Once more his sword flashed and within moment all were killed. Demonson giggled seeing this sight. He pounced upon Tipu, he wanted to fire. But Tipu attacked him with his sword.
Clever fighter Demonson escaped again.
Demonson too replied by sword assault but Tipu was careful. It was a terrific collision and Demonson’s sword broke. Only hilt was left in his hand.
It was a golden chance. Tipu flashed his sword with full strength and the head of Demonson was on the ground. There was tumult in British. They were crying—“General Demonson has been killed.”
Hearing this news Tipu’s army rejoiced and the enemy started fleeing from the scene. But even then few commanders of Demonson pounced upon Tipu and surrounded him.
Now Tipu was surrounded by all sides and he was facing difficulty to fight them alone. Then one white soldiers fired at Tipu. He got wounded and fell down the horse with a loud cry.
Bullet pierced his chest. Blood started oozing. White commanders rush to Demonson’s dead body and Tipu’s loyal soldiers towards Tipu. Soldiers lifted him and tried to carry their wounded king out of battle field.

The war was on its full. British military like locust flock flang on Mysore army. There was bloody encounters. As yet Tipu’s soldiers carrying him out of battle field, Nana Pharnavis reached there. Maratha army got together with Mysore army. Hearing this news stampede started in British army. They started losing their hearts. Marathas flang at enemy. Both the armies were slaughtering Nizam’s and British army mercilessly.
Tipu was thinking that he is in the death mouth. Nana Pharnavis console Tipu, “Don’t lose heart Tipu Sultan, I have arrived to help you. You will be alright soon.”
“Nana Sir, now only death will cure me. Bullet entrered my bosom. I am counting my last breaths.”
“Don’t say so Sultan, you will live long. You will rule over Mysore. You posses a longer age. Be courageous. The white dogs would not be able to carry even a single brick from Mysore.”
“No Nana, No, I am about to die. Accept my good-bye. Listen my wishes…”
“Yes. I am listening.”
“Promise Nana that you will fulfil my desires.”
“I assert Tipu Sultan that whatever order you will pass, whatever wish of yours, I will definitely try fulfil them. Order whatsoever you wish to say?”
“Being together throw these British out of India. Revenge them my death.”
“I do promise Sultan, as you wish same will be done. The day shall come when British will have to quit our country.”
“That’s all. I am very happy Nana. I shall rest peacefully now. Go. Don’t be late. Do not waste time standing with me, Fight the battle. May God bless you’. He will help you. Drive away these traitors from my Hind…”
Taking it Tipu’s last wish Nana rode on a horse. He kept a sword in his hand.

Tipu was lying on death bed in his camp. He was listening, getting news that Nana Pharnavis is slaughtering the British. Armies of Nizam and British have exhausted.
Nana’s capacity was such that not only the British army but Nizam’s army too were fleeing.
Nana Pharnavis encouraging his soldiers, “These British have oppressed us much, punish them for those crimes. Scarify yourself for country. My brave soldiers you are fighting neither for yourself nor for country but for your native land.”
On the other side Tipu was at death bed. He was asking soldiers sitting near to him “Where is Karim? Call my brother. I am leaving for an unknown world. Ask him to wipe out tears of Queen Runia, sit on the throne of Mysore and be the king and revenge the enemies.”
Soldiers started weeping.
When Nana Pharnavis came to know that Tipu is going to die he stopped fighting and reached before Tipu. When Tipu saw Nana he said him in low voice, “Nana, please call Karim Shah, where is he?”
In the meantime Karim Shah approaching towards the camp. He took a blood bath. He had a British head in his hand.
When Nana saw him coming he cried loudly—“Tipu, here is Karim. He is drenched in blood. He possesses a British head in his hand.”
Karim came to know that his brother Tipu Sultan has been shot. Karim was also badly injured. He fell down undulating at his brother’s body and said in throbbing voice—“My brother, I would not let you die. See, I have brought head of a British Major.”
Tipu smiled, he put his hand on Karim head. Both brothers embraced each other and left for heavenly abode.
Now two dead bodies were lying on the ground. Embracing each other both brother have slept in the lap of death.
Nana Pharnavis was standing besides their dead bodies. Tipu and Karim Shah both sacrificed their lives for their country.
War was still on its full in the battle field.

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