Part 5. Tipu Sultan

Karim Shah was sitting alongwith Tubharjung when his personal attendant informed him about king’s intention.
Listening it Karim Shah said, “What would happen now Tubharjang? If I am arrested then do not feel yourself safe. And after my arrest…”
“You are not going to be arrested,” Tubharjung said seriously.
“What should I do? Where to go?”
“You come with me.”
“At present it is the only safe and sound place for you. There is no one to harm you in Hyderabad while here your life is in danger. Tipu may get you hanged to clear his path.” Tubharjang added fuel to fire.
“You are right. Tubharjang. Come on, let us set out right now.”
As he got the consent of Karim Shah Tubharjang set out for Hyderabad. Karim Shah wasted no time.
On the other side Tipu had cast a net to capture him. He had deputed his spies and everyone was possessing written order—That by order of Hyder Ali he is being arrested. But complete drill of Tipu became useless. The chief of border security guard informed that by order of the King befriend Nizam, Karim Shah has left for Hyderabad with his commander Tubharjang.
Tipu stunned hearing this news. Karim Shah had decamped and he had taken shelter in enemy’s house.
He quickly proceeded towards palace. Hyder Ali was busy in conversation with his ministers. After issuing order for arrest and strict watch on Karim Shah he was feeling a bit relaxed.
But as soon as Tipu stepped in, seeing his lose lustre and worried face he became alert and asked, “What happened Tipu? You came empty handed? Where is my culprit?”
“Cage has flown with Sparrow?” Tipu sighed deeply.
“Yes, Tubharjang has left for Hyderabad alongwith Karim.”
“Oh God!” Hyder Ali nodded his head and said, “This chap will definitely tumultuate. It would be better if I strangled him at the time of his birth. The mean traitor.”
Tipu sat aside there and admonish them.
Minister too solaced him.
“Please do not lose your heart. Everything will be alright. Enemies not get success in their mission. Tipu’s sword is always thirst for blood. British, the Nizam and Karim Shah together can’t match Tipu.’’ Minister looked at Tipu proudly.
“I shall feel solace only then when you will put chopped head of Karim Shah on my feet.”
“Please do not say so. It is inhuman if a brother kills the other.” The minister said.
“Now he is neither brother nor son.” Hyder Ali said in a sad voice—“He is culprit of Mysore, and should be hanged.”
Minister and Tipu kept silence.
Hyder Ali continued cursing Karim Shah.

Tipu returned to his palace. He was calm and quite but worried. Queen Runia asked, “What is the problem Why are you so worried? I have heard that king has issued order of Karim Shah’s arrest and you are entrusted to arrest him. God knows what is going to happen. The son of the family is bent upon to put the house on fire. Has Karim Shah been arrested?”
Tipu sighed deeply and said, “No, and now no hope.”
“Why? What happened? Did he accept his crime…”
“No queen, nothing such happened.” Restlessly walking Tipu said, “He conspired with enemies. He has left Mysore, and has sat in the lap of Nizam.”
“And Tubharjang?”
“He drove him there.”
“Oh God.”
“It is all done by wicked Tubharjang. There may be lot of weaknesses in Karim Shah but he not so that he may do open revolt. It is rightly said that instigation turn an ant into a lion.”
“Now what did you think?” Worried queen asked. “After father you are the claimant of throne and Nizam would never like that you occupy it. Because you will never accept friendship of the British. He would have favoured Karim Shah. Every body knows that Karim Shah is covetous and selfish in nature. They however will try their best after enthroning of Karim Shah they may do whatever they like.”
“It will not happen until I am alive.” All of a sudden Tipu’s hand was resting on the hilt of his sword.
‘‘For freedom of Mysore, if I compel to slay Karim Shah I will not hesitate. I love Karim Shah too much but not more than freedom of Mysore and India.”
Saying so he turned and went off the room. Runia stood perplexed. Unexpected storm thundered in this brain.

Royal Court of Maharashtra!
Queen Krishna Bai was on the throne. Prime Minister of Maharashtra Nana Pharnavis and Chief General Haripanth were sitting beside her. Messenger of Mysore, Kamruddin was also sitting there. Besides General Haripanth messenger of Nizam was sitting.
He came there on a mission of Nizam and he had made Haripanth to his side. On the other side Kamruddin also got Prime Minister in his favour.
In the meantime a sentry entered and informed—“Her Highness! British General Demonson wants to be present in royal court.”
“General Demonson!” Kamruddin startled. There were unfriendly signs on the face of Nana Pharanvis too. He looked towards queen. General Haripanth and messengers of Nizam also put a glance at the queen.
Queen thought for a moment and said, “General.”
Haripanth got up and bowed his head in respect.
“You yourself go at palace gate, welcome the General and brought him in royal court with full respect. Listening his order face of messengers of Nizam and Haripanth delighted.
While Prime Minister Nana Pharnavis astonished—‘That means queen did not give any importance to my advice?’
Kamruddin too astonishingly looked towards Nana Pharnavis. General Haripanth bowed once more in respect then he proudly stretched his chest looking at Nana Pharnavis and after scattering a poisonous smile went out of the royal court.
“What are you doing Her Highness?”
“Should we have asked to go back the person who had reached at our door steps? Would it be justifiable?”
Nana wanted to say something but queen indicated to be silent raising her hand.
Nana became restless. There was silence in the royal court.
After a while General Haripanth entered the royal court alongwith General Demonson.
Queen said, “Queen of Maharashtra welcome you General Demonson.”
Demonson said. ‘‘I present myself as the Resident of Company Govt. in your Royal Court. We are anxious for friendship with Maharashtra. Being a friend like British, your state will never face any enemy or revolt.”
“You will not be disappointed General.” Queen said, ‘‘I will accept the offer of Company Govt.”
“It is unacceptable.” Nana Pharnavis stood with a jerk and protesting strongly he said, “We will not have friendship with the British, not at any cost.”
“Mr. Prime Minister! You probably could not understand the consequences. Try to understand. The British are a super power. One day they will govern the country. When powerful states have bowed then why not we?”
“You are seeing only one side of the picture Her Highness. British are the rippers. They are stinging us. They have made division in communities. They are entangling brother in fray.” Nana Pharnavis couldn’t complete, the messengers of Nizam interrupted—“It is disrespect of General. It is disrespect of the Britons.”
‘‘You please keep silence. No messengers is allowed to interfere in our state affairs.”
Messengers felt ashamed. Nana Pharnavis re-echoed, “Her Highness, you please try to understand their fraudulent manner. They are showing you jovial dreams, the time will come when they will frighten you. They will make you a puppet…”
“Prime Minister talked imaginary.” “General Haripanth said, “Her Highness, I wish to state that if one has wrong intention about the other then he cannot differentiate good and bad. His good deed even seem bad one. In my opinion the British are honest and ready to sacrifice their lives for friends. It is good to friendship with them…”
Nana Pharnavis intervened, “Respected queen must keep it in your mind that fortune of whole Maharashtra is in your hands. We must shun away our personal interests. From Mysore Hyder Ali has sent his messengers. Being neighbour he is our friend and well wisher, hence he has sent words that Maharashtra is not supposed to accept friendship of British, they are deceptives. Their only aim is to make us slave as well as our country.’’
Before Krishna Bai’s answered General Haripanth said, “Mysore has no match to British Her Highness. Today…?”
Nana Pharnavis turned to General and asked, “Why are you so eager to befriend the British.”
“Because they are mighty and powerful. Power is always needed. There are two options here. On one side Mysore and on the other British who are…”
‘‘If Muslims are not faithful then General let me know why Hyderabad has made friendship with Maharashtra.”
“That friendship is not new. We have faith that Nizam shall stand by us. And it is confirm if we befriend British empire then adverse will not be there.”
“Muslims and Hindus are two sides of the same coin. They fight and again befriend. Quarrels are normal in a family, but is that a sagacity that we ask tyranny to sit in our house.”
“Prime Minister, I don’t want to argue with you” saying so the General turned his head towards queen Krishna Bai and said, “I want Her Highness to aware that at several place British cannons are showering bombs. It is happening due to ignorance of those rulers who did not agree with the British. Does Prime Minister desire to see such blood shed in Maharashtra too. Responsibility to maintain law and order is mine and keeping all aspects in mind I have decided that we should accept British friendship.”
For moments queen remained quite and then spoke, “Alright I agreed to the offer of East India Company. I want peace in my state. Today onwards British are our friends.’’
After listening the declaration of queen Nana Pharnavis shocked, while General Demonson, General Haripanth and messengers of Nizam were happy.
General Demonson bowed once more, saluted queen Krishna Bai and said, “Now Company Govt. is with you. We shall get pact papers ready and submit in royal court. Good bye.”
After his departure Kamruddin stood and asked—“What is order for me?”
“You may go Kamruddin. Convey to your king that Maharashtra has not denied the friendship with Mysore but it will be accepted only when the king of Mysore accepts the friendship with Nizam and the British.”
“Right now I relate the decision of my king to you. King of Mysore will never accept friendship with British. It is his final decision, now good-bye.”
“If it is so then I am very sorry, Kamruddin.”
Kamruddin bowed his head in respect and turned off. He could move hardly a few steps suddenly Nana Pharnavis interrupted, “Wait Kamruddin, I am also accompanying you.”
Queen shuddered “Prime Minister where are you going?”
“Pardon, Her Highness, I think Maharashtra does not require my services any more.”
“But why?”
“Because I do not accept the friendship with British. I shall stand by a Mysore.”
“But you are Maratha.”
“First of all I am an Indian.”
And then, when Nana Pharnavis stepped forward queen said insanely, “You are not doing right.”
Nana put a glance at the queen and said, “Come on Kamruddin. Now staying here is meaningless.”
Inspite of many efforts made by Haripanth and queen Krishna Bai Nana did not stop.

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