The Puranas narrate yet another story regarding Ganesha’s birth. Once, Parvati bathed on the banks of River Ganga. The used bath-water was then poured back into the river. It is believed that this water was gulped down by goddess Malini, who had an elephant’s head. Malini later on gave birth to a boy, who had four arms and five heads of elephants. Goddess Ganga claimed that this multiple elephant-headed infant was her son. On the other hand, Parvati also stated that the child was hers. They both had an argument. They took the issue to Shiva and asked him for a solution. One of the several names of Shiva is Kailash, meaning one who bestows peace. Shiva resolved the dispute by announcing that Parvati was the mother of the baby with five heads of elephants. Shiva then united the five heads of the child into one, and named him Vighnesh, meaning remover of obstacles.
Parvati and Ganga