Pea Power (Science Experiments)

Materials Required:
l 1-pint jar with lid
l Dried peas or beans
l Water
l Pail or any other container with high side


  1. Fill the jar with dried peas or beans. Tap the jar so that all the seeds settle down snugly, then add more seeds until you can’t fit any more.
  2. Now, pour water into the jar, filling it completely. Screw the lid on tightly and set the whole jar in the pail.
  3. Let the jar sit overnight. Examine your experiment the next morning. The glass will be broken. Before you blame the cat for knocking the jar over, read the explanation!

This Is What Happens:
When the peas or beans are dry, they are actually in a resting state. When they come in contact with water, a growth process begins: The seeds absorb water and begin to expand. As a result, the pressure inside the jar increases, causing the glass walls to crack.

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