Peaceful Life

Everyone wants to enjoy a peaceful life. Poor people think, if they had more money they would enjoy a peaceful and happy life. A fisherman, sitting under a tree near the sea-shore, was poor but enjoying a peaceful and happy life. There came a rich merchant. The rich merchant passing by asked him, “Why are you not working?” The fisherman replied, “I’ve caught enough fish for today.” The merchant scolded him, “Why don’t you catch more fish instead of wasting your time?” The fisherman asked, “What will I gain by that?” “You will earn more money and buy a bigger boat!” “What will I do then?” “Catch more fish and earn even more money!” “Then what?” “You could become rich like me.” “Then?” “You could enjoy your life peacefully!” “What do you think I’m doing right now?” the fisherman asked and the merchant was left speechless. He had no answer.

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