Penny and the Unwanted Ogre

Once, Penny, the elf, started out to visit her friend fairy Rosella. When she reached fairy Rosella’s house, Penny was aghast to find the cottage gate open and the flowerpots tumbled on the pathway. Fairy Rosella was sure in trouble. Penny quietly peeked inside the cottage and saw a dirty looking ogre sleeping in the sofa with fairy Rosella’s wand in his hand. Penny took out a small bottle from her pocket and poured two drops on the ogre’s eyes. Penny was relieved that the liquid drops would make the ogre sleep for a long time. She searched the house and found a door locked from outside. Penny opened the door with magic dust. Fairy Rosella thanked Penny and took her wand from the sleeping ogre’s hand. Fairy Rosella then, waved her wand, and the ogre was shifted to a dungeon underground. Elf Penny and fairy Rosella were happy to get rid of the dirty ogre.

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