Penny wise pound foolish (Dynamic School Proverbial Stories)

Mr. Thomas was a book publisher. The sales of his books were going down due to the lack of a worthy writer. He was suffering great losses in his business.
One day a lady writer came to his office. She was poor and needy. She was the only daughter of her old parents. She has to look-after them and shoulder the entire responsibilities of her family.
The lady name was Martha. Mr. Thomas gave writing work to her, but began to exploit her. He took more and more work from her, but gave very little money for her work. He thought that he would save money that way and create a treasure for himself by sucking the blood of poor people, but his thinking was wrong. He was penny wise pound foolish. The lady writer was as precious as a goldmine for him. Her books begin to sell like hot cakes in the market, but Mr. Thomas went on decreasing her share of sum instead of increasing it. The writer got fed up and left him. She got work from a foreign publisher, who gave her handsome amount for her writing work.
Mr. Thomas again became poor due to the loss of a good writer. He repented for being penny wise pound foolish.
MoralDon’t lose great opportunities by becoming penny wise pound foolish.

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