People With Extraordinary Abilities

Fictional stories about people who have extraordinary abilities have always attracted people’s attention. One of them is the story of Vera Petrova, who is able to perceive things with different parts of her skin and through solid walls. One day she comes into his father’s office and puts her hands on the door of a locked safe. Suddenly she asks her father her why he keeps so many old newspapers locked away there. Vera’s curious talent is brought to the notice of a scientific research institute and she is given a series of tests by a special commission. During these tests she manages to read a newspaper through an opaque screen and then she describes the figures and colours of a picture hidden under a carpet. During all these tests Vera is blindfold; and, indeed, except when blindfold she lacks the ability to perceive things with her skin. It was also found that although she could perceive things with her fingers yet this ability ceased the moment her hands were wet.
Answer the following questions

  1. As we understand from the reading, Vera Petrova —-.
    a can only perceive things with her fingers
    b is a curious child
    c is not the only fictional character who has extraordinary abilities
    d fails most of the tests administered by a special commission
    e perceives the objects only when her fingers are wet
  2. It is pointed out in the reading that Vera Petrova loses the ability to perceive objects with her fingers —-.
    a when her father first notices this ability
    b when she is asked to read a newspaper through an opaque screen
    c after she is given a series of tests
    d as soon as her hands get wet
    e when the object is hidden under a carpet
  3. According to the reading, —-.
    a Vera Petrova’s father asks her why she keeps the old newspapers in the locked safe
    b the scientific research institute is not interested in Vera Petrova’s talent
    c Vera can’t perceive objects with her skin unless she is blindfold
    d there are several scientific research institutes which examine people like Vera
    e the special commission is made up by people who can also perceive objects with their skins

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