Once upon a time, the queen of fairies hired a pixie named Pepper as her helper. Soon, Pepper became the queen’s favourite. This made a fairy called Ashel very jealous. One night, when the fairy queen was asleep, Ashel stole the queen fairy’s wand and kept it in Pepper’s room. The next day, there was a search for the queen fairy’s wand. When the wand was found in Pepper’s room, he was put behind bars. Queen fairy was very upset. She was crying when a nightingale flew to her and said, “Dear queen, it was Ashel who stole your wand and kept it in Pepper’s room. She is jealous of Pepper.” Queen fairy called Ashel and said, “If you tell me the truth, I will not turn you into a stone.” Ashel was scared and she accepted her mistake. Queen fairy apologised to Pepper. Pepper forgave her and became the fairy queen’s favourite helper again.
Pepper, the Honest Pixie