Pepper V/S Water (Creative Chemistry Experiments)

You will need:

  1. Pepper powder
  2. Liquid soap
  3. Water
  4. Broad dish

It is always fun to convert basic science into a magic trick. One such experiment is pepper in water. Find out what happens to pepper when you add one simple ingredient to it.


  1. Firstly, take water in a broad dish.
  2. Sprinkle pepper into the water, so you can see it floating on the top throughout the surface of the water.
  3. Next, secretly dip the tip of your finger in liquid soap. Do not tell anyone you have done so.
  4. Ask any of your friends or an adult to dip his finger in the centre of the pepper water.
  5. Nothing will happen.
  6. Then, touch the water with the tip of your finger—the same finger which you dipped in liquid soap.


The liquid soap reduces the surface
tension of water. Water normally bulges,
like we see in water droplets. But when the liquid soap touches the water, its surface ‘flattens out’ flowing outward in speed, thus carrying the pepper with it.

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