Perceiving Time by Age (61 Brilliant Biology Experiments)

You will need:

  1. A bare room, with no clocks, no pictures, wall hangings, etc.
  2. A stopwatch
  3. Volunteers of different age-groups
  4. Pen and paper

Does time change when we grow up? Find
out how relative time can become with age.


  1. Get volunteers ranging from age
    6 to age 25, keeping a gap of 5
    years between each volunteer.
  2. Take one subject at a time, and ask him to step
    inside the room, which has no clock.
  3. Do not tell him for how long he will be inside.
    Place each volunteer in the room for 7 minutes.
  4. Once you get them back outside, ask them
    how much time they thought they
    were in the room.
  5. Follow this experiment for
    all the volunteers.


While those younger than 18 might feel time passed slowly; those who are above 20-25 will perceive time to have gone by fast. Due to stress, external factors, our own biological clock and pressure time seems to pass faster and faster as we grow older.

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