Personality and distinguished attainments

Development and personality of one depends upon his attributes. Rajendra Babu’s greatness, success, prosperity and personality is his distinguished attainments. It was the only secret of his success in public life. Rajendra Babu was a treasure of attributes.
Look at the incident—
Once Rajendra Babu was going to Delhi from Patna. The train stopped at a small station on the way. Suddenly Babuji saw a half naked person.
Seeing him he leaped towards him and said—“O Ramdeuba, how are you?”
He went near and hugged him. Ramdeuba was his childhood friend.
Both the friend met in such a way as two long separated brother met. Rajendra Babu asked him many question—“Brother what brought you here? How is your family…etc?”
Ramdeuba couldn’t answer.
Then Rajendra Babu went to his hut and met his wife and children. He blessed the children and went out.
Simplicity and generosity were the peculiarities of Rajendra Babu’s life, which is difficult to obtain. These qualities made him great.
An English saying is there—
“A few people are great by birth, a few achieve greatness and a few are loaded with greatness.”
Rajendra Babu was neither among those persons who acquired fortune being a son of rich father nor he was among those lucky persons who had possessed greatness in inheritance.
If we go in-depth and think then we find Rajendra Babu’s entire life was a story of development of humanism.
Rajendra Babu became an angel of humanity taking birth in a middle class family. His life was a symbol of sacrifice and service towards the poor and the drowntroddens.
India towards freedom
Whatever may be written about the personality and achievements of Rajendra Babu will be inadequate. There are hundreds of incidents of his tolerance power, gentleness, simplicity and patience.
A meeting of All India Congress Committee was held in Mumbai in 1939 which was presided over by Rajendra Babu. In that not only he mentioned the internal contradictions but alluded towards the threat of second world war.
His doubt proved true when England started war against Germany on 3rd Dec. 1939. On this occasion a statement was published on behalf of Viceroy, in which he urged that India is supposed to support the British in this hour of crisis without any condition.
A question was raised from Congress platform that ‘What would England do for India’s independence? It was also mentioned that if government’s attitude is positive then Indian public can help England.’
On 8th Sep. 1939 Congress held a meeting in which above mentioned resolution was passed. Being President of Congress he first met Gandhiji then Jawahar Lal Nehru and lastly after meeting Jinnah he went to see Viceroy.
In response to the above mentioned querries Viceroy said that he will increase the strength of members of the Viceroy Council and these posts will be filled up by Indians only, but his (Viceroy) rights will be intact i.e. he will have information of all subjects and after consideration final decision will be taken by him only.
Congress was of the view that Indians should acquire the rights at once. Then and then only Indians will take part in war.
British government presumed that this world war is being fought for the safety of democracy.
Congress asked a question—Will this democracy be for India, Asian countries and depressed Africans too or for British and Europeans only?
But there was no satisfactory answer of this question. Viceroy did not clarify his statement in this regard.
In a Congress meeting held at Wardha, Rajendra Babu raised all these issues.
Ultimately world war started. Country had to face a peculiar situation. Viceroy neither consulted the state governments nor the Congress and declared India’s participation in the war.
On this Maulana Abul Kalam Azad said, “Viceroy’s behaviour proves that British govt. realises Indians as their slaves. They had no intention to accept India’s right of self-decision.”
Then Congress passed a resolution demanded that govt. has to declare the aim of India’s participation in war and total freedom to India.
At the same time Muslim League too declared that it will not cooperate with govt. unconditionally.
After that Viceroy conferred with representatives of different parties. Later on British govt. made a declaration that after war it will consider the demand for freedom. But demand of Congress for transfer of power is not customary.
Indians were disappointed by this declaration.
Gandhiji retaliated and said, “Viceroy’s declaration made it clear that British have no intention to establish democracy in India.”
Congress working committee held a meeting on Oct. 22, 1939 in which statement of Viceroy was condemned strongly.
In this meeting it was also decided that Congress ministries should submit their resignations. Receiving the orders from high command all the states Congress ministries resigned. Congress was in majority in these states, and other parties were not in a position to form an altertrnate govt.
In 1939 Rajendra Babu decided to celebrate Independence day being the of President of Congress.
To operate the freedom movement smoothly this decision was good. There was another uncertainty in Congress—due to world war it was not decided whether it should hold its session or not. But ultimately it was decided to hold it in Ramgarh. This place was situated in Hazaribagh, Bihar. In those days this place was surrounded by dense forests. Rajendra Babu done a fantastic job to make the event a grand success.
But due to heavy rains the session couldn’t achieve success. Although no one was guilty, even then Rajendra Babu apolozied personally to all the designates.

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