It is quite common to see people going for a walk with their dogs. The dogs provide them companionship. They are pets kept for pleasure too. People share their lives with them and provide them with care and emotional support
Keeping pets carries some responsibilities, which are listed as under.
- Firstly, we must be sure that we really want a pet. Many people think they do not lose interest after some time. Pets need regular care and attention and we must be committed to looking after them for as long they are with us.
- Choosing the right kind of pet is important. Do some homework for example, different breeds of dogs have personalities and needs. Make sure you chose a pet that suits your lifestyle.
- Train your pet on home rules, if applicable. Some dogs need consistent training to know what is expected of them. Seek information on training.
- Pets need regular veterinary care in order to stay healthy. Seek out a veterinarian you are comfortable with. It s best that you have a compassionate veterinarian to look after your pet.
- A pet is not a plaything but a living creature that depends on its owner for support. Mistreatment or lack of care means cruelty to the animal.
Emotional—full of emotions
Veterinarian—doctor for animals