Philtrum and Philtrum Arc

The fold spread from the septum to middle point of upper lip is called philtrum. The structure starts from the base of nose and is extended upto both cheeks and upper lip, which looks like an arc or triangle, is called philtrum arc. Physical energy and amorousness abundantly is found in the man if the philtrum arc is developed. But if it is undeveloped or narrow, the person is lack of physical and biological energy and amorousness.

The Philtrum
Philtrum indicates the primitive and developed perspective of man. Over development of philtrum shows the primitive character of man. Philtrum of animals like monkey, chimpanzee and tiger is excessively developed and fleshy. Over development of the philtrum shows inhumanity, brutality, low grade mentality, amorousness, instability, proud, self willingness, luxury, lust etc. in the man. But in other hand the persons, whose philtrum is over developed, have extraordinary physical capacity, healthy body, amorousness, mean traits such as making intercourse inhumanly and painfully on getting passionate, harassing others, looking at opposite sex amorously, to be come insane on being amorous, being slave of others for pacifying their passion. Such persons have lack of sensitivity and delicacy and they are dull-minded.

Types of Philtrum

1. Flat Philtrum : If the philtrum has no fold or fold portion be flat, it shows undeveloped personality of the man. Flat philtrum is found in monkey and chimpanzee. The persons, who have flat philtrum, are impractical and fickle-minded, but life force is abundantly found in
them. Such persons are aggressive, self-willed, amorous, laborious and mentally backward. They have to face misfortune and trouble in their life.

2. Deep Philtrum : Philtrum is the symbol of human instincts. Philtrum fold is found only in the human face. Animals have not the same. The persons who have deep and even philtrum are of balanced thinking, full of human senses, they have keen interest in music,
literature and fine arts. Such persons have control over their mental impulses and work with patience. They are physically and mentally healthy.

3. Broad Philtrum : The persons become extremist on being their philtrum broad and extensive. Such persons are mostly impatient. They have less capacity to control their impulses and to adjust themselves with the situation. Such persons repent on their faults. They are the prey of mental weaknesses and are escaping nature. If the philtrum is broad and looks flat, the person is unstable by nature.

The Philtrum Arc
Types of the philtrum arc are as follows :

1. Overdeveloped Philtrum Arc : If the philtrum arc is overdeveloped and fleshy, the person is full of vital power. Such persons are highly sensual, amorous and impatient. They are uxorious, tolerating social defame, obese, healthy, careless, fond of eating and gluttonous due to being more amorous. They have lack of human sensibility, wisdom, cleverness and deficiency of social adjustment, subservient by nature fashionable and imprudent. Such persons are seen suffered from nervous and genital diseases in old age.

2. Broad Philtrum Arc : If philtrum arc is broad, extensive and fleshy, the person is obese. They have some vices such as physical weakness, laziness, anger and impatience. Such persons are romantic and fashionable. They are habituated to lead their life with luxury. They are fond of travelling and put on new clothes.

3. Contracted or Undeveloped Philtrum Arc : The persons are physically weak if their philtrum arc is undeveloped. But such persons are mostly mentally developed, diplomatic, clever, skilled politician keeping their plans unrevealed and get success by virtue of their wisdom. They have control over their amorousness and weaknesses. They express their desire only on appropriate time. But, several times they are running with some health problem, they never look physically fit and fine.

4. Balanced Philtrum Arc : Balanced philtrum arc is a sign of the balance among physical energy, mental impulses and passion. The person having balanced philtrum arc are jovial, laborious and work after proper consideration. Their body is developed normally and has average height.
5. Long Philtrum Arc : The persons, who have long philtrum arc, are sad and disappointed. They are mostly thin and tall. Although they have self respect, devotion, morale and efficiency, they easily loose their stamina in adverse situation and change their way having become disappointed. If such persons maintain their morale and determination, they can easily get success in various fields of life.

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