Poor little David was picking berries in the woods. Soon, David got tired. He lay down to sleep. David got up a little later. He was feeling refreshed. Suddenly, he saw the basket. “Oh! My God!” David wondered. The basket was empty. “Where have all my berries gone?” David was almost crying. But then, suddenly he saw a trail of berry pits and followed it. The trail brought David straight to a little pixie sitting under a tree, eating the berries. David became angry. “Why did you carry away my berries?” shouted David. “I found them under the bushes,” the pixie answered. “No, they are mine. I can see a trail of pits from my basket to where you are sitting.” David shouted louder. “I don’t know these are your berries. I found them under the bushes in a basket. How do I know they are yours?” the pixie said, and she ran away laughing.
Pixie Carries away Berries