A 747 jet was ready for a take-off at Tenerife, when the pilot saw another jet coming in to land. But surely Air Control would have told him to change his course. With every second, the planes came closer. Still, there was no directive from the Air Control Tower. Five seconds later, it was already too late. Neither plane could be stopped now. The pilot of the 747 continued to taxi, instead of taking off. For a moment, it seemed as if the planes would miss each other. Then with a sickening crunch, the landing craft ripped off the top of the 747, before landing on its left wing. Fortunately, the occupants, who were unharmed, ran out quickly. Meanwhile, the 747’s pilot fought to control his aircraft, slowing down to a stop. Moments after the passengers and crew had run to safety, the crushed 747 burst into flames as well. The survivors were in shock, but thanked the pilot, whose skill and determination had saved their lives!