Play Detective (Brilliant Biology Experiments)

You will need:

  1. Plastic container
  2. Ear buds, Ruler, Tweezers
  3. Latex gloves
  4. Paint brush (small size)
  5. Small pouch of cocoa powder
  6. Magnifying glass
  7. Evidence markers (cut out from square pieces of paper)
  8. Note pad and pen

You can create your very own detective CSI kit. Let us find out.


  1. Place all the items mentioned above in a box and label it CSI Kit.
  2. Use a plastic container to ‘collect’ evidence.
  3. Add a note pad and pen to the kit to note down findings.
  4. Use the ear buds, latex gloves, tweezers and the magnifying glass to collect hair and fibres from the carpet and other areas of the house.
  5. Use the paint brush and cocoa powder to analyze fingerprints left around the house. You already know how to analyze fingerprints.
  6. Use your kit to create a fun experiment to play with your friends.
  7. Create a ‘crime scene’ by telling your friends that a specific item
    is stolen from the room. Ask them to find out who the culprit is. Be sure to leave behind clues.
  8. The possibilities are endless.


Learn the science behind investigation and have fun at the same time.

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