One day in 1905, Frank Epperson of US, mixed some soda water powder and water, which was a popular drink in those days. He left the mixture on the back porch overnight with the stirring stick still in it. The temperature dropped to a record low that night and the next day Frank had a stick of frozen soda water to show his friends at school.
Eighteen years later, in 1923, Frank Epperson remembered his frozen soda water mixture and began a business producing Epsicles in seven fruit flavours. The name was later changed to the Popsicle. One estimate says three million Popsicle frozen treats are sold each year. There are more than thirty different flavours to choose from, but Popsicle Industry says the general flavour favourite through the years has remained ‘taste-tingling orange’. He realized the commercial possibilities of his invention and applied for a patent, which was granted in 1924. By 1928, Epperson had earned royalties on more than 60 million Popsicle ice pops.