Potato Chips

on 24 August, 1853 in Saratoga Springs, New York, that George Crum was agitated when a patron repeatedly sent back his plate of fried potatoes, complaining that they were too mushy and thick. Crum decided to slice the potatoes really thin and fry them until they were crisp and then top them with lots of salt. Unexpectedly, the potato chips were an instant hit and became a regular item on the menu! It was in the 20th century that potato ‘chips’ began to be available to household directly. They were packed in barrels and cans at that time. However, it was not the best option as the chips at the bottom were crumbled and stale. It was only when Laura Scudder came up with the idea of wax paper bags to store the chips that the product became available to the masses more easily.

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