Potato Chips Mania (Biology Experiments)

Here is one easy way through which the body keeps us from getting too high a concentration of salt.

Things Required:
A salt pretzel or several potato chips
Eat a salt pretzel or three or four salted potato chips.
This Is What Happens:
You will need to take a drink of water!
Science Behind It:
You need extra water to dilute the extra salt you have eaten. Thirst keeps the body functioning by making sure it doesn’t have too high a concentration of salt.
When there is too great a concentration of sodium and potassium in our body fluids, the hypothalamus (a part of the brain located near its base) triggers a feeling of thirst.
An increased concentration of sodium also can be caused when we perspire. You may have heard that you should eat salt when you’re sweating, but that’s a mistake. Your impulse to drink water is right.

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