Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakasap were cruel demon brothers. Lord Vishnu had already killed Hiranyaksha. So, Hiranyakasap hated Lord Vishnu. He ordered that the people around the world should worship him like God. Anyone who refused to worship him was punished to be killed. Worried by his cruel deeds, all gods went to Lord Vishnu and narrated Him everything. After listening to them patiently, Lord Vishnu promised to kill him. Hiranyakasap’s son, Prahalada, was a big devotee of Lord Vishnu. Hiranyakasap did not like this and decided to punish his son. He didn’t provide him with food and water for many days and put him in prison. But Prahalada refused to give up his prayers. One day, Lord Vishnu with the half-body of a lion and the half-body of a man emerged before Hiranyakasap. He chased Hiranyakasap, seated him on his lap, tore his body using his nails and killed him. Devotee Prahalada was immensely pleased to see the Lord in person and sang his glory as a true devotee. Lord Vishnu made him the new king and went back to heaven. Prahalada ruled the country for many years and continued worshipping Lord Vishnu.