Prahlada defies death

In the execution centre Prahlada stood fearlessly before the executioners. The executioners themselves looked hesitant in killing the boy who was smiling at them.
Prahlada urged them, “Dutiful executioners! You must do your job. Carry out the order of the demon lord. Don’t worry about my fate.”
“Dear prince Prahlada,” one of the executioners said, “You don’t deserve to die. If it were in my power I will play games with you and carry you around on my shoulders.”
Another spoke, “Yes, you are a lovely boy. There is still scope for saving your life. Why don’t you just give up praising the enemy of demonic race? If you promise to do that we may go back to the demon lord to plead for your pardon.”
“Dear executioners! Lord Vishnu wants one to die in this way so, we can’t do anything about it. If my Lord wants to keep me alive no weapon will work against me. I can’t give up the devotion to my Lord. And you too have a duty to do. We are all duty bound. Now don’t waste time. You will earn the wrath of the king if you don’t execute me. I do not want anyone to suffer because of me.”
“Alright Prince Prahlada. We shall prepare to do our unpleasant duty. You may remember your Lord for the last time and prepare to die.”
“My lord is always is in my heart, mind and soul. You may do your duty.” Prahlada closed his eyes.
The executioners raised their weapons and began to bring them down on Prahlada. But the weapons were making no impression on Prahlada. They were sailing through as if the boy were made of air or emptiness.
An executioner tried to impale Prahlada with his spear at the chest but again it sailed through emptiness. Some weapons disintegrated as they went through emptiness of Prahlada who stood with his eyes closed.
After some time the boy opened his eyes and spoke, “Why are you not executing me? What are you waiting for, folks?”
“Prince!” the executioners bowed to Prahlada with folded hands, “We can’t execute you.”
The executioners pointed to the disintegrated weapons lying on the ground and revealed, “We tried to kill you but our weapons passed through you doing no harm as if you were made of air. While passing through you weapons disintegrated.”
“Really!?” Prahlada stared at the broken pieces of swords and spears and said, “That is miraculous. And I felt nothing. I thought you were not using weapons for some reason.”
Prahlada felt his body. It was made of solid bones and flesh. He was not air or emptiness. He asked the executioners to feel his body and see it was the solid matter.
The executioners shook their heads saying, “Prince, we know that our weapons are ineffective against you. We can’t do anything about it.”
The executioners ran to the court and reported the matter to Hiranyakashipu. The news about Prince Prahlada greatly surprised and stunned the demon lord. He exclaimed, “Is his body made of thin air? Or is it diamond hard that shatters weapons!”
“He looks just a normal body, my Lord.”
“I see,” Hiranyakashipu rose up from his throne to announce, “We will see for ourselves what kind of body that boy has against which the weapons are ineffective.”
Hiranyakashipu, other demons and executioners reached the execution centre. In astonishment they saw the broken pieces of swords and spears spread on the ground around Prahlada.
“Son Prahlada!?” Hiranyakashipu said staring hard with hatred at the boy.” I hope you have learnt your lesson and got back into your senses?”
“Father, I have always been in my senses and as long as the grace of Lord Vishnu shines on me I will be in my senses.”
Hiranyakashipu pointed his index finger at the boy like a spear and thundered,” That means you won’t give up singing praises of our enemy Vishnu?”
“He is my idol, sire.”
“And we mean nothing to you?”
“You are my sire…my respected father. As sire I rever you with all my faculties.”
“You are lying, boy. Falsehood you speak. Had you an iota of respect for me you would have lent your ears to my advice.”
“I will accept all your advices if only you gave up your ill will against Lord Vishnu.”
“Foolish boy! Now you would teach one who I can be friendly with and who enemies with?” the demon lord was again losing his cool.” You have not seen our real fury. This weapon shattering jugglery of the kind of street magician does not impress me. No miracle you are working. There’s still time. Come into my fold and I will forgive you generously.”
“Father, Lord Vishnu is a sea of kindness and a river of compassion. Come into his fold and I assure you he will pardon all your failings and ill will.” Prahlada reasoned, “I have not used any magic trick against the weapons of your executioners. It was the work of Lord Vishnu. He protected me.”
“Alright degenerate boy, you think Vishnu protected you. Now we will see how he will protect you.” He turned to his executioners and ordered, “Executioners! Bring the execution elephant. Get this traitor trampled upon its feet.”
“Please don’t do that to my child,” begged Queen Kayadhu “He is yet an adamant child. He does not really know what he is saying. He is our son, remember? Do take pity on the boy.”
“My Queen! This boy does not deserve any pity from us. Under the weight of the heavy hooves of our elephant he will get a load of reward for devotion to Vishnu.”
Meanwhile, the executioners brought the jumbo. Prahlada was made to lie down on the ground and the elephants were made to go across by stepping on the boy.
Hiranyakashipu expected to hear the screams of the boy. Five or six elephants went across stepping on the prostrated Prahlada. But no cries and screams issued from the lips of the boy. He was lying as if he were in his bed trying to fall asleep. Some demons thought the boy didn’t get even a chance to scream as life had been squeezed out of him by the first hoof stomping of the lead elephant. But they were in for a big shock.
Prahlada rose up hale and hearty and began to dust off his dress. Hiranyakashipu, Kayadhu and other demons watched in stunned silence.
“Son, are you alright?” Kayadhu asked and ran to her son to feel his body for injuries. “You are not hurt. Aren’t you?”
“No mother,” Prahlada spoke cheerfully, “You can see that I am in one piece and in perfect health. I have full faith that as long as Lord Vishnu is gracious on me no harm would come to me.”
“No!” screamed Hiranyakashipu and thundered “You won’t be safe and healthy. I will see to it. Executioners! Throw this boy in turbulent waters of a deep river! Let him drown to death.”
“As you command, Lord!” The executioners got hold of the boy and led him to the river.
At the river Prahlada was consigned to waters in the middle where the current flowed fast and water churned furiously. It was hoped that like twice before the boy wouldn’t be lucky third time. The swirling waters of the river would swallow him down.
Yet another surprise waited for the killers. The currents of the river water brought Prahlada safely to the bank and deposited him there in one piece. The boy did n’t even look wet.
Hiranyakashipu was informed of the new development.
The demon lord was furious. The death defying acts of Prahlada were unsettling him. He was now feeling embarrassed. He wanted Prahlada dead somehow or anyway. By keeping Prahlada miraculously alive Vishnu seemed to be mocking at the demon lord.
He ordered his executioners, “Take this boy to the top of a hill and push him down to death. The rocks must turn his body into a bag of minced meat and bone pieces.”
“As you command, “Lord.”
The executioners took Prahlada to the top of a hill to throw him down.
Again the demons pleaded, “Prince, why don’t you accept what the Lord is saying? Just tell him you will not mention Vishnu in his presence. No one can stop you from being mentally devoted to your lord divine. You can spare yourself from all these troubles.”
“Dear executioners, you have seen with your own eyes that I am suffering no troubles. I would have been dead by now if all that was done to me were effective. As far as accepting the terms of my father is concerned I won’t cheat him for anything. As my sire I deeply respect him and will not subject him to any falsehood.”
“Then, my prince, prepare yourself to face one more ordeal. Invoke the name of your Lord Divine.”
“Don’t worry about me,” Prahlada assured the executioner demons. “You may do your duty. Go ahead, folks.”
“So, we will.” The executioners pushed Prahlada off the cliff.
Prahlada began to fall down, hitting rocks and projectiles on way and bumping against the rocky surfaces. But he was not hurt because his body had become weightless like a puffed up cotton ball. The divine force was again at work. The boy fell miles below in the valley to rest on a patch of green grass. Even one hair of his body was not harmed.

The demons raced down the slopes to the spot where they had seen Prahlada land. They were supposed to carry the dead body of the boy to the demon lord. But they found yet again Prahlada unharmed and unhurt lying on grass peacefully incanting the name of his Lord Idol.
The executioners made their obeisance to the boy they now respected deeply. For them he was truly a miracle boy.
The demons now began to talk about the boy, his devotion to Vishnu and the failure of the demon lord Hiranyakashipu in punishing him. In a great discomfiture he heard the news of one more death defying act of his son. Prahlada had become a living embarrassment for the demon lord. It looked ironic that all conquering mighty demon lord was unable to do anything to a small boy. Now it had become imperative for Hiranyakashipu to eliminate his defiant son or he could lose the respect of demons and become a laughing stock before his enemies. By any means he must kill Prahlada to save his own reputation.
Finally, the demon lord decided to burn the boy to death. He had discussed the matter with his demonic advisors.
Hiranyakashipu had a sister called Holika.
Holika had a miracle material that made one fire proof upon wrapping it around one’s body. As a boon she had gained that piece of material.
Hiranyakashipu told Holika to wrap around that miracle material and sit on a pyre of wood with Prahlada in her lap. The pyre was to be then set on fire, Prahlada would get burnt to death while due to the miracle material no harm would be caused to Holika herself. Holika agreed to do it.
The demon lord ordered the demons to prepare a big pyre of wood to give funeral to the devotee of the Lord Vishnu. Accordingly a big pyre was prepared.
Holika came there wrapped in the booned fireproof material. The executioners had brought the boy there, Everyone waited for the command of the demon lord for Holika to sit on the pyre with Prahlada in her lap.

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