Meanwhile, one of Kansa’s friends, an evil demon Pralamba, soon located Lord Krishna and Balarama. He disguised himself as a villager and went to Vrindavan to destroy the two brothers. He joined the other cowherds and played a wrestling match with Balarama. The rule of the game was that the loser had to carry the winner on his shoulders. Pralambasura lost the game to Balarama purposely. He picked Balarama up and started running away from Lord Krishna and the others. His body changed back into a monstrous form as he carried Balarama away. “Krishna, this demon is carrying me away. What shall I do?” cried Balarama. Lord Krishna said, “Brother, you are powerful enough to defeat him.” Hearing this, Balarama remembered who he was and he gathered his strength to attack the villainous demon. Pralambasura’s red eyes shone with malice as he tightened his grip on Balarama.
Pralambasura Abducts Balarama