Two weeks later Prince Ashoka got a letter from Patliputra asking him to return.
The letter from Patliputra delighted Ashoka. The due recognition of his work pleased him. The expectations of greater responsibilities excited him. He could no longer wait in Taxila. So, Prince Ashoka handed over the charge of Taxila to a deserving confidant and prepare for the return journey.
Victorious Prince Ashoka was accorded a rousing reception at Patliputra. Entire court cheered the prince at the city gate and was profusely garlanded. He was taken to the court in grand procession accompanied by the chief minister. In the court Emperor Bindusara rose to embrace his son Ashoka in emotionally charged state. His voice choked while saying the words of praise to his son.

Ashoka was embraced by his brothers as well but they were not sentimental about it. Their embraces were cold. Ashoka did not notice it being in over-excited state of mind caused by the grand reception.
After all the formalities Ashoka asked his father, ‘‘Father, you had written about new responsibilities for me…’’
The Emperor waved his hand saying, ‘‘Son, you have covered a long ardous journey. You deserve some rest. We can’t be so punishing upon you.’’
‘‘But father, I am too young to get tired…’’
‘‘No Ashoka! Don’t talk of it at least today. If your are so anxious you shall be told tomorrow. Today you will rest after spending sometime with the family.’’
The brothers talked mostly in lighter vein. One brother goaded Ashoka to reveal facts about Taxila court danseuses. Another wanted to know the hunting opportunities in the western region.
Ashoka sensed the miffed attitude of his elder brother Susheem. He could understand it and made an honest attempt to explain that in the Taxila affair he had no hand. His being sent to Taxila and Susheem’s removal from that region was the doing of the Emperor father and his chief minister.
The next day, Emperor Bindusara and the chief minister briefed Ashoka on the Ujjaini situation. Ashoka was shown the letter of Rashim for better assessment. He could easily realise that the situation was grave that needed immediate attention.
He suddenly asked, ‘‘Father! Did you discuss this matter with brother Susheem? He was here.’’
Emperor Bindusara and the chief minister exchange embarrassed glances. The latter coughed and weakly said, ‘‘I did but not in detail. I made just a passing reference to see his reaction. He didn’t react. That put me off and I left it at that.’’
‘‘Sir, that is very convenient method. Brother deserved to be shown that letter and properly allowed to spell his opinion. He will suspect me of being the motivator of another conspiracy against him. His unceremonious removal from Taxila has already hurt him, so I felt. I think he didn’t react to the respected chief minister’s mention of Ujjaini situation due to that grievance. And no…’’
Emperor Bidusara cut in, ‘‘Son, that is very thoughtful of you. I appreciate you sharpness. There has been a lapse on our part too in case of Susheem. But you know that we too are old people. Our reflexes and sensitivities are dulled. We just think of quick solutions to the problems overlooking the details. In you we see the solutions of the problems that require toughness. You must forgive us for our old age defaults.’’
Prince Ashoka felt uneasy.
The chief minister spoke, ‘‘The fact is that the situation there is very grim which requires some quick action. We have no one else but you to look upto for an efficient act. Prince Susheem is very benevolent and kind. He does not fit in such a scenario. Then, he is the eldest prince who should stay in the capital to lend stability to the Empire with his presence.’’
Prince Ashoka knew it was an empty talk.
He asked, ‘‘Alright, What expected of me? Should I deal with this situation?’’
Emperor Bidusara said, ‘‘Yes, that is the idea. Son, you must proceed at once.’’
The chief minister added, ‘‘We shall assuage the feelings of Prince Susheem in some way. You need only to pay all your attention to the problem.’’