
Chester Carlson invented the first printer in the year 1938. He used a dry printing technique known as electro-photography which is generally known as Xerox. It gave birth to the invention of first laser printer. The procedure taken by Carlson eradicated the requirement of chemicals and was based on electrostatic charges and light to relocate a figure from part to another. In the year 1938, he successfully printed a copy with the assistance of Otto Kornei (an Austrian physicist) in the New York City. Remington Rand invented the first high-speed printer. It was used on the Univac computer.

Thereafter in the year 1969, the Research center Xerox Palo Alto invented EARS, the novel laser printer. The invention was finished in the year 1971. In this laser printer made by Gary Starkweather who was an engineer in Xerox, the technology of Xerox copier is used with laser beam and in the year 1977, he launched a xerographic laser printer manufactured good, Xerox 9700 electronic printing system which brought revolution in the development of laser scanning products.

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