
Tantya was prosecuted in a Shivpuri court. The court settled the case same day and he was awarded capital punishment. April 18 was fixed to hang him over.
Now Tantya was kept under strict vigil in Shivpuri fort. There was not any signs of perplexity, flurry or remorse at Tantya’s face.
Tatya at execution
On April 18, 1859 Tantya was brought to gallows. Execuition ground was full to capacity. Soldiers of British army were standing all around.
Mid read out the allegations and captial punishment awarded to Tantya. After that Tantya’s shackles were removed. Then Tantya moved towards the stairs of excution rack. After reaching the rack the brave warrior put the excution knot in his neck. Later on signal of Magistrate the lever was dragged. Soul departed for heaven and dead body swang on the execution knot.
With bravery as he passed his life by same bravery Tantya embraced the death.
Was the executed person Tatya in real
This question stand still unanswered was that infact it was Tantya whom British hanged to death. History represents that the person who was caught in forests of Padaun, and who was prosecuted on 15th April, and hanged on to death on 18th April, was Tantya Tope, but reality is at a distance. He was someone else, not Tantya Tope.
There are so many pleas which prove his death dubious. One more question is there that whenever any revolutionary caught, the British used to prosecute him in the court of his home district and infront of the public he used to be hanged over, but it didn’t happen with Tantya, why?
Any revolutionary caught after the death of Tantya, who had linked with Tantya were asked in court that where Tantya is? Why? When British themselves hanged him over, then what was the aptness of such question?
It is said that British even knew it that the person hanged in the Shivpuri ground, was not Tantya.
One another fact is that the statement given by Tantya in court. He put his signature underneath like it—‘Tantya Tope an agent of Sir Nana Sahib.’ While Tantya’s real name was Ram Chander Pant. In addition the place where he belonged the father name is written with one’s name as per the regional custom.
If this statement was written by his hand then might be signature’s—Ram Chander Pandurang Tope or Ram Chander Rao (or Pant) Tope.
As Tantya’s signature are not available, so the mystery is still alive.
In addition Man Singh who cooperated the British for his arrest was so confident of Tantya. Then why did Tantya did not comment against him? He did not utter even a single word in his adium, why? How had an audacious and straight-forward person like Tantya showed generosity toward a traitor, deceptive person like Man Singh?
Tantya Tope was such a great warrior that his foes (British) praised him without any reservaious.
“He had to confront several defeats, but he neither lost his venture nor lost courage. But it is believed that every defeat accorded him courage and freshness.”
—Colonel Malcum

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