In 1929, the government was readying to pass two draconian bills in the Central Assembly.
The first was Public Safety Bill. Its aim was to outlaw any opposition to the government. It was aimed at crushing the spirit of the youth who were rising against the British under various leftist outfits. The law was to give wide ranging powers to the police to arrest any one and put him in the prison without fair trial. The bill if enacted could severely curtail civil rights.
The second was Industrial Disputes Bill. It was designed to take away basic rights of the industrial labour to turn them into utter slaves. The industrialists who were British stooges were to benefit immensely by this bill. They could become slave drivers and earn the colonial rulers money through various taxes. Another aim of this bill was to make trade union leaders impotent. Infact, the trade union leaders were affiliated to political outfits who were fighting against the British. Due to their hold on the industrial workers these leaders had tremendous clout which was indirectly being used to sharpen up freedom movement.
Bhagat Singh was very agitated over these barbaric bills. In their Agra house meeting he voiced his concerns on these bills and revealed his action plan against them. He had already discussed his plan with Pratulla Ganguly and won his whole hearted approval. Infact, he was so enthusiastic that he had procured some ready made bombs in Calcutta and gifted them to Bhagat for his daring plan.
Bhagat Singh thundered in the meeting, “There is no place for justice in British imperialism. They want to strangle, plunder and kill the subjects especially the youth. Whoever raises his voice against the British would be butchered once these bills are passed. We can’t give in meekly.”
“But what can we do?” some one asked.
“Sacrifice. A big explosion is needed to make the deaf ears of the arrogant foreign rulers hear.”
It was clear that Bhagat Singh had some definite plan. The revolutionaries looked at him expecting details of his plan.
He revealed his action plan. A couple of revolutionaries would throw bombs and hand bills in the assembly when the bills would be being passed. After the bomb throwing the revolutionaries would get arrested. It would draw the attention of the entire nation. The patriotic statements they would make during the course of the trial would arouse every Indian to rise against the British.
Bhagat volunteered for the mission.
Chandra Shekhar Azad liked the idea but he was against getting arrested. He was for their escape. Infact, he offered to help in the escape through a daring act like he had done in the case of Sanders’ murder.
But Bhagat had a different outlook. He was against escape plan. He insisted that getting arrested would inflame the youth. The idea was to become an inspiration. Most of the revolutionaries supported Bhagat’s view point. So, Azad had to okay the plan.
Batukeshwar Dutt was chosen to partner Bhagat in the mission.