Henry had a habit of bringing all kinds of creatures to the farmhouse. Farmer Dawson checked his room to find out what he might have hidden inside. One day, Mr Dawson could hear some scuffling noises in Henry’s room. He knocked and Henry opened the door. Mr Dawson looked around, but everything seemed quiet. Henry looked innocent. But as soon as he went out, he heard the sound again. He returned, but again he found nothing. That evening, Farmer Dawson had to attend a meeting at the town hall. He put on his large overcoat and went off. During the meeting, he felt a sneeze coming. He put his hand into his pocket and touched something soft and furry. He pulled it out and found a tiny white puppy! He was in a rage till he came and heard Henry. “Papa, he was cold!” said Henry, “And he needed a home!”
Puppy in Pocket