Pyotr Kuzmich Kozlov was born on 15th October 1863 in Smolensk, Russia, and he died on 26th September 1935 (aged 72 years) in Petergof, Russia. A traveller and explorer who studied Mongolia and Tibet, Pyotr joined the expedition of Nikolai Przhevalsky. After his death, he continued his travelling in Asia and explored and described the upper reaches of the Yellow River, Yangtse and Mekong Rivers. He also explored the Gobi desert and discovered the ruins of Khara-Khoto, a city destroyed by the Ming Dynasty of China. It took him many years to excavate the site and he uncovered many books.
Do you know: Pyotr’s discovered a number of royal burials. He bought back the samples of 2000-year-old textiles.