Quality best is not better than the cheapest.
Normally people prefers cheapest that’s why quality best things are not better than those which are cheapest in selling.
Quality without quantity is little thought of.
One should think quality rather than quantity.
Quarelling dogs come halting home.
Dogs halt while fighting.
Quarrelsome dogs get dirty coats.
Dogs get dirty layer on their body while quarreling.
Quartan agues kill old men and cure young.
Shivering fever occurring every fourth day kill old and young too.
Question for question is all fair.
Questioning is good to understanding.
Quick returns make rich merchants.
Quick sale flourishes the business.
Quickly come, quickly go.
Easy earning easily wasted.
Quinine is made of the sweat of ship carpenters.
Quinine medicine is like a sweat for ship carpenters because they often sick of malaria and quinine cure them.
Quit not for certainty for hope.
One should not be loose his confidence towards hope.
Quietness is best.
Better than the best, while quarrel.

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